Formed over forty years ago, our Writers Circle is based in Felixstowe, Suffolk. Meetings are held in The Room at the Top in Felixstowe Library, normally on the first and third Tuesday of each month commencing at 7.30pm and finishing by 10.00pm. Check this weblog for details of meetings.

There is an annual November to November fee of £30, April to November is £20 and June to November £15. For members preferring to pay at each meeting the charge is £5 per meeting. To contact Felixstowe Scribblers simply email or the Secretary,

Thursday, 27 October 2016

2017 Bristol Short Story Prize

We have recently opened the 2017 Bristol Short Story Prize and these are the details in case any Scribblers members may be interested.

The 2017 Bristol Short Story Prize is open for entries. The competition is open to all writers around the world whether published or unpublished, UK or non-UK based, over 16 years of age.

The closing date for entries is midnight (BST) May 3rd 2017. The maximum word limit is 4,000, there is no minimum.

Stories may be on any theme or subject and entry can be made online or by post.

There is an £8.00 entry fee for all stories submitted and entries must be previously unpublished.

20 stories will be shortlisted and published in Bristol Short Story Prize Anthology Volume 10.

The winner and 2 runners up will be selected from the shortlist and announced at an awards ceremony
which will be held in Bristol Central Library on October 14th 2017.

1st prize is £1,000, 2nd prize is £700, 3rd prize is £400. 17 further prizes of £100 will be presented
to the remaining shortlisted writers. All shortlisted writers will receive 2 free copies of the anthology.
Prizes will be sent to any writer on the shortlist who is unable to attend the awards ceremony.

The judging panel will be chaired by writer, Tania Hershman. Tania will be joined on the panel by the writer, Roshi Fernando; Simon Key, owner of the award-winning Big Green Bookshop, and Juliet Pickering, literary agent at Blake Friedmann.

For full details and rules on the 2017 Bristol Short Story Prize please click here.

Radio times...

Tune in to ICR on 105.7fm or via the internet, tune app, and various others on Friday 28th October at 12.30-1300. for The Suffolk Reading Festival.
On the show Friday:-
The Sword of the Kings by ADW Shearman.
(Chapter - Ambush pt3)
Beryl Sabel reads the book.
Tony Shearman the Brackets and Otis El Evator
Sheila Martin is Eimer Deville.
David Miller is Sam Wunnells
Debbie Coveney is Deepli Konserned
Alison Miller is Needlina Haystack
Marbles Lost Again pt1 by Tony Shearman
Su Stedman is Front Door
Peter Guilderr is Heaves the butler
Angela Silburnn is Sally Bowles
David Miller is Sir Hugh Rynale
Robin Saundersrs is Lord Peter Whoopsie
Beryl Sabel is Dame Agatha Marbles
The Last Bottle by Liliane Sivaraj
Read by Sheila Martin


Sunday, 23 October 2016

Meeting report.

Minutes of Scribblers meeting held on Tuesday 18 October 2016

Present:  Dave, Mairead, Liliane, Tony, Di, Cathy
Apologies: Carolyn, Dick, Beryl, Gerry, Steve

At the start of the meeting, Dave asked that all present give some thought to the AGM, which is to be held on 15 November. As well as our comments on the structure and content of meetings, he’d welcome our ideas of ways to increase membership, especially ways in which we might attract younger members. Please email him if you have any comments you'd like him to present to at the AGM. He will do a press release about Scribblers after the AGM.

Thanks again to Mairead, who not only brought in biscuits etc, but decorated the table with a slightly early Halloween theme.

With no homework readings to listen to, we set about the ‘flash fiction’ exercise. Almost all the postcards brought in were of static images, e.g. of a spider’s web, and a snow scene, amongst others. Most of us found it difficult to be inspired by our chosen picture. Nonetheless we did manage to write (and read out) complete stories – even if, as the writers, we weren’t too happy with them!

Next meeting: this will be on 1 November, when the homework is to write a ‘ghost’ themed tale of up to 1000 words.

Saturday, 22 October 2016

Interesting items...

Just a quick reminder that our next meeting is on Tuesday 1st November when we hold our annual GHOST/Halloween meeting. This date was originally reserved for our AGM but that will now take place a fortnight later on Tuesday 15th November. More about that later!

For your interest we have three recently received items for you to see if you wish. They are:-

An interesting communication from the BBC View it here.

From Swoon Reads - this might interest some of our younger followers. It can be viewed here.

The Weekly MASH newsletter can be read here.

Keep Scribbling!!!


Thursday, 20 October 2016

On the radio!

Tune in to ICR on 105.7fm or via the internet, tune app, and various others on Friday 21st October at 12.30-1300. for The Suffolk Reading Festival.
On the show Friday:-
The Sword of the Kings by ADW Shearman.
(Chapter - Ambush pt2)
Beryl Sabel reads the book.
Tony Shearman the Brackets
Sheila Martin is Eimer Deville.
David Miller is Sam Wunnells
Martin Jarvis is Michael Kobblars
Peter Guilder is Lord Drofgnol
Angela Silburn is Cherry Blossom
Alan Dix is Timothy Whiteboots

Marbles Lost Again pt1 by Tony Shearman
Su Stedman is Front Door
Peter Guilder is Heaves the butler
Angela Silburn is Sally Bowles
David Miller is Sir Hugh Rynale
Robin Saunders is Lord Peter Whoopsie
Beryl Sabel is Dame Agatha Marbles
A Cold War in the Air by Richard Bradshaw
Read by Robin Saunders
Reflexology by Jack Wilkinson
Read by Beryl Sabel
Hope you enjoy them folks


Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Another poor turnout...

It seems we are going through a little patch when attendances have fallen for a number of reasons. Holidays, illness, studying on courses, work and even disliking these flash fiction type of events... unfortunately we are finding it hard, at present, to replace them. We must discuss this situation at out AGM in a month's time and then take remedial action!

Meanwhile the few who attended found the photographs and postcards challenging to say the least. Half an hour of writing brought out some very creative writing that kept us all entertained in the readings that followed.

Our next meeting will be on Tuesday 1st November which will be our GHOST themed meeting - all that is needed is up to 1,000 words on some spooky subject preferably based round the Halloween period... Hopefully this will be a rather scary type of meeting...

Please note that the AGM will take place on Tuesday 15th November when membership fees will be due.

Until the 1st...

Keep Scribbling!!

Sunday, 16 October 2016

Fast approaching...

A reminder that our ‘photographic’ meeting takes place on Tuesday next (18th October) in The Room at the Top. For this meeting you should bring along a photograph or postcard that can be used as a writing prompt in what will essentially be a flash fiction evening. All pictures will be placed face down and shuffled on the table. Everyone will then select one and like magic, you will have your personal prompt. There will be a limited time to write your words before sharing them with everyone. This has always proved a popular exercise that has always provided many really great words. Don’t forget to bring pen/pencil and paper! The meeting starts at 7.30.

Here’s a website that will provide a list of competitions, some free to enter and might well give everyone the incentive to step out of their comfort zones and enter a few. Who knows? The standard of writing here at Scribblers is quite high and could result in a win or two. A stepping stone to real success maybe?

Coming up next month is our AGM. I would appreciate your candid views of the Scribblers, the programmes and homework topics that are set. Are the meetings correctly structured? Do you have any thoughts on making improvements to our format or introducing new topics?

On the question of membership, have you any thoughts on increasing numbers, possibly trying to attract a younger element to the fold? I have left sending out a press release until after the AGM.

I’d love to hear your thoughts that might add some spice to the AGM!

Until Tuesday,

Keep Scribbling!

Thursday, 13 October 2016

On the radio,,,

Sorry I've been somewhat remiss in not putting this on FB for a while. So Friday, tune in to ICR on 105.7fm or via the internet, tune app, and various others at 12.30-1300. for The Suffolk Reading Festival.
On the show Friday:-
The Sword of the Kings by ADW Shearman.
(Chapter - Ambush pt1)
Beryl Sabel reads the book.
Tony Shearman the Brackets, and Man
Sheila Martin is Eimer Deville.
David Miller is Sam Wunnells
Martin Jarvis is Michael Kobblars
Brian England is Zschiddte ver Brainnze
Robin Saunders is Noel Hope
Oh Whistle and I'll come to you my lad by M R James.
Debbie Coveney reads the book
Brian England is Parkins
Robin Saunders is Colonel Wilson
Su Stedman is the Maid
Just a Suffolk boy
Written and read by Dave Feakes
Friday Evening by Beryl Sabel
Read by David Miller
Hope you enjoy them.


Saturday, 8 October 2016

Meeting report

Minutes of Scribblers meeting held on Tuesday 04 October 2016

Present:  Dave, Mairead, Beryl, Liliane, Jim, Steve, Di, Dick, Jane, Cathy
Apologies: Carolyn

Business:  None

It was good to have a better turnout for this meeting, and we were all glad to that Dick was well enough to join us again. He thanked the group for the ‘get well’ wishes. Nice to welcome Di back after her absence too.
Mairead told us that her niece has a book due for publication in December – clearly good writing is a family trait!

Readings: the theme for the homework was either ‘election’ or ‘where’s the fire extinguisher?’, or a combination of both.We heard some excellent pieces – and such a variety. We had murder, organ donation, life from the point of view of a fire extinguisher (yes, really!) – and lots more.

Jim: - Vote – Vote!  A school dining hall is being used as a polling station and the smell of mashed potato annoys Tracey the bored Poll Clerk.

Steve: The fire extinguisher

Mairead: A dull week at conference

Jane: Broken waters

Di: My family

Beryl: The fire extinguisher

Dave: And the lights went out. Tom was chairman of the historical project group. He was resigning and that caused a lot of friction. Tonto, his opponent, wanted the job. Fights broke out before the election could begin. Tom tried to calm things, called for the fire extinguisher only to see it hurtling towards him...

Liliane: Of politics and religion

There was time after the readings and a good, chatty coffee break, to have a short flash fiction event. Dave tossed the words ‘cafĂ© and generation’ into the mix, and we spent fifteen minutes scribbling – with some great tales emerging. A ‘well done’ is due to the members of the group who’ve never done flash fiction before, but had a crack at it anyway – very successfully.

Next meeting: that's on Tuesday 18th October – we'll be holding another flash fiction event, this time using a photograph, postcard or picture as a prompt. All you are requested to do is bring one of these items with you, we'll turn them face down, shuffle them up and then you will select one to become the subject of your story. No prizes just a whole lot of creative fun! Doesn't that make a pleasant change not to have any homework?  

Tuesday, 4 October 2016

A good evening...

A better attended meeting this evening, providing a really varied collection of gripping stories that took hold of the imagination...

Later we held another flash fiction exercise, about ten minutes of writing that had to include the words 'cafe' and 'generation'. The results were astonishingly good in such a short period of time. These impromptu writing sessions have closed up what sometimes seemed like wasted time and converting it into a very useful exercise in creativity.

Next time - that's on Tuesday 18th October - we'll be holding another flash fiction event, this time using a photograph, postcard or picture as a prompt. All you are requested to do is bring one of these items with you, we'll turn them face down, shuffle them up and then you will select one to become the subject of your story. No prizes just a whole lot of creative fun! Doesn't that make a pleasant change not to have any homework?

Until next time,

Keep Scribbling!!!  

Sunday, 2 October 2016

Writing workshops

It is time for the reminder of our forthcoming meeting. Yes, it's almost here again. This Tuesday 4th October in The Room at the Top, Felixstowe Library beginning at 7.30 pm. The challenge for the homework assignment gave the option of writing about 'Election', or 'Where's the Fire Extinguisher?'  or as an alternative you could combine the two subjects together in one story of up to 1,000 words. Of course if these do not suit you then you can bring any piece of your work along providing it stays within the word limit.

After the disappointing attendance last time we are hoping to see a few more chairs filled this time. 

A sad note for some of us who have been interested and participated in MASH stories. It's the end of the line for the them unfortunately. Their team sent out a message that is reproduced in the next post down.

Hoping to see you all at Scribblers on Tuesday,

Until then,

Keep Scribbling!!!

End of the line

At Mash Stories, the day one competition ends is traditionally the same day the next one begins. On October 15, however, Mash Stories will close its digital doors. After one dozen competitions and 300 shortlisted stories(and counting), it's time for the Mash journey to come to an end.

We hope you've learned as much from this talented, international community as we have. It truly feels like turning the last page on a long, intricate book in which we've been absorbed for years, and we've had the privilege of being characters, authors, and readers all at the same time.

So, to answer some questions that are popping into your gorgeous minds:
  • There's still one more winner to come, so take chickenbathrobeand potato and craft them into the best gosh darn piece of flash you've ever written by 15 October. 
  • The Mash Stories website along with all published stories and blog articles will stay online.
  • You will still receive feedback on your submission.
  • All Mash Club members will be reimbursed for any pre-paid quarters. 
  • Don't unsubscribe! This newsletter will continue to send you new shortlisted stories and blog articles until the final winner is announced.
I don't know about you, but we aim to cherish these final few weeks.

Thanks for Mashing,
Kate (yours truly since 2013) and the Mash Team