Formed over forty years ago, our Writers Circle is based in Felixstowe, Suffolk. Meetings are held in The Room at the Top in Felixstowe Library, normally on the first and third Tuesday of each month commencing at 7.30pm and finishing by 10.00pm. Check this weblog for details of meetings.

There is an annual November to November fee of £30, April to November is £20 and June to November £15. For members preferring to pay at each meeting the charge is £5 per meeting. To contact Felixstowe Scribblers simply email or the Secretary,

Saturday, 31 December 2016

2017 is arriving...

Hope you all had a lovely Christmas!

Just time to remind you that our first meeting of 2017 is on Tuesday next, January 3rd, when we will have the results of our 1,000 word homework assignment - "A day in the life..." 

Please remember that if you do not like this subject then you may bring in another piece of work.

The meeting will start at 7.30pm.

Wishing you all a Happy, healthy and prosperous New Year.

Keep Scribbling!!!


Saturday, 24 December 2016

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all!!!

Keep Scribbling!!!

Thursday, 22 December 2016

Meeting Report

Minutes of Scribblers meeting held on Tuesday 20 December 2016

Present:  Jane, Mairead, Jim, Daniel, Liliane, Steve, Di, Tony and Dave.
Apologies: Gerry, Beryl, Cathy, Dick, Anne and Mel.


We were sorry to hear that a number of Scribblers could not attend due to feeling poorly amongst other things and wish them all a speedy recovery.

Thanks were passed to all who have supported us over the past twelve months and hopefully will continue their valued membership in the future. 2016 has seen ebbs and flows in attendance; we have lost some members but gained others. Like all similar groups membership can sometimes seem like a roller coaster ride. Every member new or old is very special to us. We have a great little group that has seen some go on to a successful profession whilst others write purely for enjoyment.

It would be remiss not to thank everyone who has helped; Liliane collecting the key, those who help set up the room then tidy up afterwards and even wash up at the end of the meetings. Of course we mustn’t forget Mairead who constantly worries how she can increase our waistlines with so many ‘goodies’! To Cathy, thanks for being our valued Secretary and to Beryl for being the keeper of the funds.

Mairead reported on the current situation regarding the Christmas meal which has yet to be confirmed. It is likely it will be at the Orwell again but their menu will not be released until the beginning of the New Year when prices will be known. On the back of previous experience, a deposit will be required. The meal will again be open to both members and their spouses or partners. The proposed date is Tuesday 24 January but confirmation of venue, menu and prices will follow in the New Year.

Bearing in mind the time of year and the party to follow the meeting there was no further business.

500  word Homework readings: Appropriately the theme was ‘Christmas’.

Listed in order of reading:

Secret Santa: Daniel.

Accidents Will Happen: Di.

The Pantomime: Jane.

Amelia’s Christmas: Mairead.

The First Christmas after the War: Steve.

1,745 Years Old: Jim.

A Worrying Time: Liliane.

Oh What a Night Late December: Tony.

Bitter-Sweet Christmas Memories: Dave.

Although we don’t normally read work out from members who are absent, Mel sent a story via Cathy who asked that we do.

Carol Christmas: by Mel was kindly read out by Di.

Our enjoyable Christmas party followed to wind down the year in style.  

Next meeting: 

Our next meeting, the first of the New Year, will take place on Tuesday 3rd January 2017 when the homework assignment is to write up to 1,000 words on...”A day in the life...”

But now, it is fast approaching festivity time so to everyone:

Merry Christmas and a Very Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year.

Tuesday, 20 December 2016

Farewell 2016...

The last meeting of the year. A number of absentees through illness but still a healthy attendance especially approaching the seasonal festivities.

The homework assignment was to write 500 words on Christmas and this was exactly what was provided. Mind you every story was very different and produced a plethora of very interesting tales that kept us amused for the first half of the evening.

Afterwards we had our little party and enjoyed not only the food and drink but plenty of meaningful discussion too. One downside... we were unable to find the box of subjects for the next meeting and so the homework assignment will be emailed round as soon as possible. At least we have until next year - our next meeting is due to take place on Tuesday 3rd January 2017.

Until then,

Keep Scribbling!!!

Friday, 16 December 2016

Final meeting of the year...

Well, I can't believe that we're at that point in the year when we are staging our final meeting of 2016 - that will be on Tuesday 20th December at 7.30pm. 

The evening will begin with a short 500 word story on Christmas and after reading and providing feedback we will quickly move to our own little Christmas party. Please bring along something small and edible for the table and, if you wish, some non-alcoholic drink although teas and coffee will be available.

It has been quite a year that has sped past far too quickly but we are now very close to opening a new chapter at Scribblers - it is called simply 2017!

So hope to see you on Tuesday for a little bit of merriment.

Meanwhile there are some items below that are worth having a look at.

Keep Scribbling!!!


Dear Writers,

Ware Poets is running its competition for the 19th year, and we are delighted that Hannah Lowe has agreed to judge the competition. Hannah Lowe’s first poetry collection, Chick, won the Michael Murphy Memorial Award for Best First Collection, and she has been named one of the 20 Next Generation poets, as of 2014. Her family memoir is Long Time, No See(Periscope, 2014). Chan, her second poetry collection, is published by Bloodaxe. She lives in London and teaches at Kingston University.

The Ware Poets competition offers cash prizes for the winning poems, including one for the best sonnet, and we publish a competition anthology of prizewinning and shortlisted poems.

I have attached an entry form to this email. I hope that you will consider entering this year, and that you will pass on the news to other poets. The entry form is also available at

I look forward to receiving lots of poems.

Stuart Handysides
competition secretary, Ware Poets
21 Trinity Road
Ware SG12 7DB

Ware Poets Open Poetry Competition 2017
Prizes: £600, £300, £150, and the Ware Sonnet Prize (£150).

Anthology for winners and commended poets 
(£3.50, post free: pre-ordered).

Informal prizegiving at Ware Arts Centre, Friday 7 July 2017.

Fee: £4;  4 poems for £12, then £3 per poem (in the same submission).
Length:  up to 50 lines.
Deadline: 30 April 2017

Sole judge: Hannah Lowe 
Entry form available at

or send SAE to : The Competition Secretary, Ware Poets Competition, 
21 Trinity Road, Ware, Hertfordshire SG12 7DB
or email:

Crime Readers’ Association news can be read here...
BBC writers room latest can be read
Writers News latest can be read here...

Friday, 9 December 2016

Meeting report.

Minutes of Scribblers meeting held on Tuesday 6 December 2016

Present:  Dave, Mairead, Liliane, Steve, Dick, Anne, Jane, Daniel, Mel, Cathy
Apologies: Gerry, Beryl, Liliane, Jim, Di

Dave welcomed all present, especially those who’d driven a fair distance in horrendous fog to join us. We also welcomed Mel’s return after her recent absence for study, and for work training sessions.

Beryl’s recovery: Dave reported that she’s making good progress, so we hope to see her with us again soon.

Anthology: Gipping Press have quoted £150.50 for 50 copies, or £236 for 100 copies. We’d sell each copy for £5, and would have them ready for the Felixstowe Book Festival. Dave to progress this. There was discussion about whether or not to include work from ‘ex-Scribblers’ – no firm decision reached.

Workshop: Gipping Press are holding a workshop on self-publishing in 2017 – they will send further details as they become available.

Honorary President: Dave reported that Ruth Dugdall has agreed to accept this position, which is tremendous news. Dave will be preparing a press release about Scribblers in the New Year, and will announce her acceptance then.

Steve’s meeting with a publisher: He has been working alongside other authors on a book about ‘Women leaders in education, which has been accepted for publication. Congratulations are due!

Thanks as usual to Mairead for providing biscuits etc. Also thanks for her generous donation of a copy of Brian Blessed’s latest book ‘Absolute Pandemonium: My Louder Than Life Story’, which was won by Jane in the ‘lucky draw’.

At the AGM we’d all been asked to bring along three potential writing themes, on separate slips of paper, to be stored for use during 2017. These were collected up.

Homework readings: the theme was ‘How to make a profit’, and we were regaled with very varied tales on this topic.

Mel: Dad

Tony: Un-named piece, but it was the first part of his novel

Daniel: Little profits

Anne: How to make a prophet (not a typo, it was that sort of prophet!)

Steve: The Senates and the people of Rome

Jane: Finding your voice

Cathy: Turning a profit

Dave: Making a mint

Dick: The wrong paint?

Next meeting: 20 December, when there will be readings of short stories (up to 500 words) on a Christmas theme, then a Christmas Social. Please can everyone attending the meeting bring along small amounts of nibbles/drinks.

Thursday, 8 December 2016

The Suffolk Reading Festival

Tune in to ICR on 105.7fm or via the internet, tune app, and various others on Friday 9th December at 12.30-1300. for The Suffolk Reading Festival.
On the show Friday:-
The Sword of the Kings by ADW Shearman.
(Chapter - Snakes on a Plain pt1)
Angela Silburn reads the book.
Ryan Guilder the Brackets
Sheila Martin is Eimer Deville.
David Miller is Sam Wunnells
Debbie Coveney is Deepli Konserned
Brian England is Zschiddte ver Brainnze
The Road Hill House Murder by David Morrison
Alan Dix is Samuel Kent
Beryl Sabel is Mary Kent
Su Stedman is Sarah Cox
Angela Silburn is Elizabeth Gough
Ryan Guilder is William Kent
Alison Miller is Constance Kent
Barth a Loner by Tony Shearman
read by Peter Guilder
I've decided i think by Les Smith

Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Tonight's meeting

This was a surprisingly good meeting considering the homework theme of 'how to make a profit.' Maybe this didn't give us that golden opportunity to make a fast buck but it certainly provided an amazing and diverse collection of work from the healthy attendance. Bearing in mind the foggy conditions I think everyone did well to make their way to the meeting.

We discussed the possibility of another anthology in time for the 2017 Book Festival and of the favourable prices quoted by Gipping Press. The committee will need to meet early in the New Year to discuss the implications and create an action plan to move forward.

 Our next meeting is the final one of the year. Tuesday 20th December is the date when we will begin with our 500 word stories on 'Christmas'  followed quickly by our own Christmas party.Please bring along something small and edible for the table and any non-alcoholic drink (remember many of us have to drive to and from the meeting)... 

Until then...

Keep Scribbling...

Sunday, 4 December 2016

Our next meeting.

It's our meeting on Tuesday (start time 7.30) when I hope you'll all be revealing your secrets of how to make a profit... I can do with a few ideas!

May I ask you to bring along three words or phrases that can be used for future homework subjects please? On separate pieces of paper please, then one will be drawn each time we need a subject for homework. This will stop us putting folk on the spot to think of a subject at the end of a meeting, I hope this is something that will work well through the forthcoming year.

Looking forward to Tuesday.

Until then,

Keep Scribbling!!

Saturday, 3 December 2016

The AGM minutes

Minutes of Scribblers Annual General Meeting held on Tuesday 15 November 2016

 Present: Dave, Mairead, Liliane, Jim, Beryl, Anne, Jane, Gerry, Di, Cathy
 Apologies:Steve (he had an appointment with a publisher – good reason for absence!), Jane, Carolyn

 Dave greeted everyone present, and thanked them for making the effort to attend.

Secretary’s report:see below. This was brief, as it covers similar ground to the Chairman’s report.
 Secretary’s report 2016
Another year nearly over – where does the time go? And not one of us has published those novels that we still have on the back burner!
It’s been an interesting year. We’ve seen new members come along, some of whom have remained with us, and others who have not. Some of our longstanding members have left to enjoy pastures new, and we of course wish them all the best.
Attendance at meetings has fluctuated between six and fourteen, with a rough average of nine members at each meeting – a track record to be proud of.
Those Scribblers who managed to attend the FBF in June will, I’m sure, remember it as a hectic but enjoyable time – and one where we Scribblers acquitted ourselves very well in our two sessions – one being ‘Start the day with a story’, and the other the flash fiction event. I have to say that I found it daunting to lead these sessions in the absence of our great leader, aka Dave Feakes, but with the support of those of you who came along, it all went swimmingly. I do hope that in 2017 someone else, however, will be in charge!
Minutes of meetings – these used to contain synopses of the stories that had been read out, but in recent months there has been a decrease in the number of members sending in their synopses for inclusion. Perhaps this is something we need to review for next year?
And what of next year? Well, I’d like to think that our group will continue to grow and flourish. We offer something special in the world of creative writing – a supportive, inclusive and friendly environment where all writers, whatever their ability or experience, can be assured of a warm welcome. Long may it continue.

 Treasurer’s report:this showed that the group has made a small profit during the last year – copies of report available from the Chairman on request.

Chairman’s report:Dave thanked the secretary and treasurer for their work during the year. Also Liliane for collecting the library key before each meeting, Mairead for always providing cakes etc, and Barry for maintaining the group’s Facebook page. He went on to present the following report, and circulated copies of the weblog report for us to peruse.

Chairman’s Report by Dave Feakes.
Another year has slipped by. It has been a time of ‘ups and downs’. The upside being the standard of writing that you, our valued members, have continuously delivered. But before I go further, I would like to pass my sincerest thanks to Cathy who has done a sterling job as secretary for the Scribblers as well as organising her own group the Orwell Writers’ League. It is a testament to her dedication towards our special art form.
I’d like to thank Beryl as Treasurer and keeper of the funds such as they are. My very special thanks to Liliane for always collecting the library key come rain or shine. To Mairead who, despite our pleas, still manages to play the role of confectioner extraordinaire. To Barry for continuing to update the Facebook page. Thanks as well to everyone who has helped with setting up the room, clearing up and washing up! It’s good to be part of a happy and helpful team of writers.
Of course we miss those writers who have come along, stayed a while then left for a variety of reasons. At this point I must mention both Barry and Richard who have always been excellent contributors to our gatherings. Both are now doing university courses whilst Mel has pulled back from her writing because of copious amounts of studying for her work related qualifications. Good luck to them all. I’m sure the dedication they showed at Scribblers will help them see them through to success.
Then there’s Caz, a long time stalwart at Scribblers and a past secretary. With her help we received funding towards our last anthology and purchase of display boards. Sadly, although on the committee, she has been absent for most of the year, even missing the last stagings of her son Jack’s memorial meetings.
Jeanette came along like a breath of fresh air, but, with two books already under her belt, she produced her latest, ‘Exclusion Zone’ and is now concentrating on her writing career.  Like Ruth, a terrific writer.
The programme of meetings during the year was altered at times but I believe these were in the interests of improving creativity. Having said that I am aware that meetings calling for a little research have not always been well attended. Part of being a writer does include research as an important part of fact finding and hopefully when we talk about meeting structures and homework later in the meeting we can discuss this point.
It is interesting to note that in the last 21 meetings we have averaged just over nine in attendance, our highest being 14 at the Ghost meeting and our lowest just 5 back in April for the historical meeting.
Unfortunately I had to miss a couple of meetings last year and was a little upset not to have been at the Felixstowe Book Festival. Both Cathy and Mairead gave positive feedback on both Scribblers events. The ‘Start the day with a story’ was fun with readers Beryl, Mairead, Liliane and Cathy. The flash fiction event in the afternoon went extremely well – lots of strong writing. By that point in the festival (4.30 on Sunday), everyone was a bit weary – had the flash fiction been held in the morning, there would probably have been more attendees, and livelier discussion. That said, those who did participate thoroughly enjoyed it, leaving very favourable comments for us. Thanks to everyone who helped.
Now the next twelve months will be discussed and planned as the meeting flows but here’s food for thought. Could there be another anthology, maybe a ‘team’ project (who can forget The Lost Sock?), alterations to our format, seeking radio and local TV coverage, possible ‘advertising’ for new members and making Scribblers really grow once again. Could we appoint a well known personality to become president perhaps?
So, just summing up, thanks for your support and remember to: keep scribbling!

Ratification of committee members, and/or election of new officers and signatories:Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer – positions remain unchanged. As Caz didn’t stand for re-election, Beryl proposed that Mairead be elected, both as committee member and signatory. Cathy seconded the proposal. Unanimous decision that Mairead take the position.

 President for Scribblers:Dave proposed (and Cathy seconded) that it would raise the group’s profile to have a president, and suggested that Ruth Dugdall would be a perfect choice if she were prepared to accept the position. After some discussion about the need for a president, the motion was passed (eight votes for, two abstentions), and Dave agreed to approach Ruth. The possibility of appointing a Vice President was also discussed, with Jeanette Hewitt perhaps being approached. Agreed in principle, perhaps as a future option, depending on Dave’s initial discussions with Ruth.

 Membership details: Last year, members were asked to provide their addresses and phone number to the secretary – these details to remain confidential and totally unshared. There was a poor response to the request. However, all present agreed that telephone numbers are essential, in case of emergency, e.g. last minute cancellation of meeting. Cathy to request these via email.

Structure of meetings:
 Alterations to the frequency of Bill Budner and Jack Wilkinson trophy competitions. Agreed to reduce frequency to one competition every thirteen meetings – two for each trophy. The first to be on 21 February, for the Jack Wilkinson trophy. There was discussion about the way competitions are run, with suggestions that each writer could read their own work out, instead of following the current anonymous format, in which two readers present all the competition entries for members to listen to. Decision made to retain current format.
  • Flash fiction sessions – agreement to retain these. Also, when meetings are short due to low attendance, take the opportunity to do quick flash fiction exercise before meeting ends.
  • Selection of themes for the 1000 word homework –members to bring along three themes on separate slips of paper and these will be retained at our meetings. When a homework theme is required then all we need to do is draw one out. The theme could be a single word or a phrase. As new members come along they will be asked to add to our stock of subjects.
  • Geographical and historical themes – these sessions were poorly attended last year, but in each case this was due to holiday and personal commitments on the part of the many members who couldn’t attend, but did send apologies. Agreed to retain these elements for 2017.It was suggested to change the names of these particular sessions and this will be reflected in the new programme of meetings
  • Broad genre themed homework, eg romance, horror, crime etc. This possibility was discussed, but no firm decision was reached.
Planning for the future:
  • Felixstowe Book Festival 2017, weekend of 1 and 2 July
Dave, Cathy and Mairead had all had contact with Meg Reid, the organiser. Meg suggests that all three local groups, i.e. Scribblers, OWL, and Felixstowe Café Poets, have exclusive use of the Furneaux Suite at the Orwell Hotel on Sunday 2 July. Ruth Dugdall will be organising this day with Meg, so Dave will contact Ruth and arrange a meeting with her, Cathy, and a representative of the Café Poets, to determine the possibilities on offer.
Publicity – agreed that Scribblers must be pro-active with this. Must also ensure with Meg that the Sunday event is included in theonlineFBF programme – apparently last year’s writing groups were omitted.
 Have an anthology to sell at the FBF – Dave to investigate costings etc.
  • Publicity to boost attendance at Scribblers:
Possibly via Radio Suffolk Felixstowe Radio, Felixstowe TV. Maybe hold an Open Night? Put a publicity display in the library?

Social events:
  • Agreed that a ‘post Christmas’ meal, again at the Orwell Hotel, would be popular – Mairead to find out menus, costings etc.
Meeting closed at 9.20, after which there was a short flash fiction exercise. Our next meeting will be onTuesday 6 December, when the 1000 word homework is ‘How to make a profit’.