Formed over forty years ago, our Writers Circle is based in Felixstowe, Suffolk. Meetings are held in The Room at the Top in Felixstowe Library, normally on the first and third Tuesday of each month commencing at 7.30pm and finishing by 10.00pm. Check this weblog for details of meetings.

There is an annual November to November fee of £30, April to November is £20 and June to November £15. For members preferring to pay at each meeting the charge is £5 per meeting. To contact Felixstowe Scribblers simply email or the Secretary,

Wednesday, 29 November 2017

The AGM minutes

These will follow in a few days time.

Wednesday, 22 November 2017


A nice turn out for the AGM with plenty of discussion concerning the future of our beloved Felixstowe Scribblers. 

The committee remain the same as before subject to confirmation from Mairead who is currently in Ireland. 

There is no doubt of the enthusiasm shown for the present meeting format and the way homework themes are chosen. It is very much a case of status quo with one or two issues to be reviewed in six months time.

The meeting ended on positive vibes leaving us all to look to a healthy future.

Both Tony and Steve are very close to publication of their books, Steve choosing Gipping Press and being very impressed with their professional and friendly help.

Our next meeting is on 5th December when the 1,000 word homework theme is "GOOD INTENTIONS".

Keep Scribbling!!!

Sunday, 19 November 2017

Our Next Meeting - The AGM.

I know its late coming, but here is a reminder about our forthcoming meeting on Tuesday next, 21st November, start time 7.30pm.

It is our Annual General Meeting so I hope you will be able to attend. It is your chance to discuss how you think we can improve our group and make it attractive to some slightly younger members to help breathe fresh life into the Scribblers. If you would like to see changes then please let us know. Any thoughts or suggestions will be very welcome.

Remember Felixstowe Scribblers is your group and your ideas do help.

An agenda is printed below.

Please send thoughts to our friend Jane who suddenly lost her brother to cancer very recently. I am sure you will all wish to send our deepest sympathies.



1    Secretary's Report.

2    Treasurer’s Report.

3    Chairman’s Report.

4    Weblog Report.

5    Ratification of existing committee and or election of new officers and signatories.

6          6   Membership, attendances and the cost of room hire.

7   Structure of Meetings.

8                  8      Planning for the future.
9   Publicity to boost attendances.

1          10  Social Events.

11  Any Other Business.

Saturday, 11 November 2017

Meeting Report

Minutes of Scribblers’ meeting Tuesday 7 November 2017

Present: Tony, Bridget, Mairead, Anne, Liliane, Beryl, Dave.

Apologies: Di, Dick, Steve, Cathy.


We send get well wishes to both Cathy and Steve who are under the weather at present.

The withdrawal of Jim from the Scribblers is very disappointing but we understand his reasons especially with the long drive to and from Felixstowe. He is not lost to writing for he will continue with the Orwell Writers who hold afternoon meetings thus avoiding night driving. Our best wishes to Jim.

There are still a few anthologies available at Stillwater Books still at £5 each. We await their payment for previous sales and also one further payment to round things off in time for the forthcoming AGM. Sadly the press releases failed to create any interest from either the Star or Radio Suffolk.

Normally a well attended meeting, our Ghost/Halloween themed evening was a little down on numbers. Having said that sometimes less can provide time for more in depth feedback and discussion. That said, as usual there were enough scary bits to keep everyone chewing on their finger nails... helped along by Mairead’s spooky display.

The Stories:

Tony: Food.
Anne: Happenings in Lime Kiln Quay Street.
Liliane: Remembering the Dead.
Beryl: The Listeners (With apologies to Walter de la Mere).
Dave: A Foggy Night in Newcastle.

This was followed by a number of personal experiences of the ghostly variety and other tales of the unknown...

Altogether a good evening.

Our next meeting will be our AGM. This takes place on Tuesday 21st November in the Room at the Top. It is hoped to provide an agenda in advance of the meeting so any thoughts you may have on meeting structure, programme of meetings, membership levels and attendances could mean a lively meeting.

I am reminded by our treasurer that annual fees will be due at the AGM. The fees are used to cover the cost of hire of our accommodation at the Library.

Until the AGM,

Keep Scribbling!!!


Remembering them

Wednesday, 8 November 2017

Ghostly happenings....

As usual this annual meeting featuring ghost and Halloween tales provided some excellent stories that were enough to keep everyone chewing on their finger nails.

Although the attendance was not as high as normal and with all the stories read we relayed our personal experiences of ghostly happenings. It made for a very interesting climax to the meeting! Roll on next year!

Thanks to Mairead for providing a rather spooky display for everyone to enjoy...!

Our Annual General Meeting takes place in two weeks time (21st November) when annual subscriptions are due. These subscriptions are used to cover the cost of the room rental at the Library. We hope we can maintain a healthy membership and avoid any increase in fees. If time permits after the AGM finishes - and that would be unusual - then we might have a short writing exercise. 

Until next time,

Keep Scribbling!!!

Sunday, 5 November 2017

Our spooky night meeting is coming up on Tuesday (7th). The homework theme for this time of year is GHOST or HALLOWEEN - the choice is yours! This is usually a popular evening so here's hoping the meeting will go well and not too many folk will get spooked out.

There is some sad news for the group. Jim has decided to withdraw from Scribblers which is a great shame. He is already a member of Orwell Writers who meet in the afternoons and with his lengthy and expensive journeys he needs to cut back. Jim feels happier with the afternoon meetings and so we bid a sad farewell to him. His humour and amusing tales have been a highlight of our meetings.

I have a message from Angela Petch who tells me that her two books, Tuscan Roots (formerly entitled 'Never Forget') and 'Now and Then in Tuscany' are being republished as e-books on 10 November and 8th December respectively and doubtless will be available on Amazon. Angela is a lovely writer and always makes her work interesting. These are two good reads so if you haven't got a copy yet then look out for them. 

We have a message from Lindsey of Fairlight Books who says:

You’ve previously been contacted by my colleague Urska in regards to our call for short story submissions, which we are still accepting.

I am writing today to let you know that we are also currently seeking novella submissions. We consider novellas as longer fiction and will be publishing successful manuscripts traditionally.

For more information on our submission process please refer to our website at

Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Thank you.

Best wishes,

Lindsey Woollard
Publishing and Marketing Assistant

Fairlight Books
Summertown Pavilion, 18-24 Middle Way,
Oxford, OX2 7LG
T: 01865 957790

Hope to see you at Scribblers on Tuesday...

Keep screaming...!
