Formed over forty years ago, our Writers Circle is based in Felixstowe, Suffolk. Meetings are held in The Room at the Top in Felixstowe Library, normally on the first and third Tuesday of each month commencing at 7.30pm and finishing by 10.00pm. Check this weblog for details of meetings.

There is an annual November to November fee of £30, April to November is £20 and June to November £15. For members preferring to pay at each meeting the charge is £5 per meeting. To contact Felixstowe Scribblers simply email or the Secretary,

Saturday, 29 December 2018

Out with the old year

Felixstowe Scribblers
wish you all 

and another 
twelve months
of fantastic
creative writing.

Saturday, 22 December 2018

It really is that time of year when we must



Wednesday, 19 December 2018

The last meeting report of the year

Minutes of Scribblers meeting held on 18 December 2018

Present:  Dave, Tony, Beryl, Steve, Liz, Kay, Derek, Georgina, Liliane, Jim, Gerry, Cathy
Apologies:  Anne, Bridget, Hazel, Jane

Dave thanked the group for another excellent year.

Cheques for Scribblers’ donations to Dick’s chosen charities were signed at the meeting, ready for sending to funeral directors.

Anthology: During the evening Dave, Beryl and Georgina had a brief preliminary discussion about preparing the anthology.

Readings of homework:
The topic was ‘That smell reminds me of …’. Stories were shorter than our usual homework ones, to make time for a brief ‘party’. Short they may have been, but as ever, a wonderful mix for us all to enjoy.

Dave: That smell

Beryl: The scent of lavender

Liliane: Christmas past

Steve: Once upon a time on the railway

Tony: Awakening

Jim: Wheelie

Kay: Last summer

Derek: A load of Christmas nonsense (poem)

Gerry: The light show

Georgina: The bee and the biscuit tin

After the readings we spent a pleasant hour chatting, and sharing the festive snacks that we’d all brought in. A delightful way to end 2018.

Post Christmas meal: Tuesday 29 January, 7 for 7.30 at the White Horse pub, Church Road, Felixstowe. Liz will be following up with menu choices for those of us who haven’t yet let her know our requirements.

Next meeting: 8 January 2019. Free choice of topic for the 1000 word homework.

So endeth our 2018 programme...

What a night! A dozen of us met for the final time this year. The year has almost flown by, but one thing that has remained evident throughout, is the ability of our writers to improve meeting by meeting. The creativity is astonishing. When you consider that four of our writers published their work during the year has brought them the confidence and, hopefully, the remuneration they richly deserve. Their achievements will surely rub off on others, so next year... who knows?

Tonight's meeting successfully switched to a 500 word story and was accomplished with ease. Surprisingly, every work was so different and yet deserved all the positive comments and, indeed, the laughter that came from so many excellent tales.

The stories were finished quite early and, apart from a quick meeting between the anthology committee, it was on with the party!

Cheques were written for the charities on behalf of Dick's wishes and these will be submitted to the funeral directors in the next day or two.

The situation regarding the Xmas meal seems to have been resolved with the White Horse becoming the choice because of their excellent menu. Thanks to Liz for her help in organisation. Details will be confirmed after the festivities.

Our first meeting in the New Year will be on Tuesday 8th January. For this meeting the homework is 'open' so you may to choose your own subject  to write about. A 1,000 word limit please.

Until then, we join with the wishes conveyed from Chris in Cairns, Ruth in California and numerous other folk, to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and, hopefully, very profitable New Year.  


Friday, 14 December 2018

Our final 2018 gathering

Just a reminder, as if you need it, that next Tuesday (18th Dec) sees the final meeting of the year. I really can't believe how quickly these past twelve months have flown by even, personally with the traumas of the last three months with Noah. Ironically I saw Chestnut House where my daughter stayed at Addenbrookes on TV tonight. Brought a couple of tears to my eyes when I remembered those almost dark days our family suffered.

The meeting, as always, will be in the Room at the Top starting at 7.30 (when the doors will be shut). The meeting will be in two halves - the first for the results of the 500 word homework assignment "The smell reminds me of..." and the second, our little Christmas Party to bring a close on our 2018 exploits into creative writing.

Until Tuesday,

Keep sniffing... sorry, Scribbling!!!


Wednesday, 12 December 2018

Our next meeting...

With our last meeting of 2018 just under a week away, I thought it might be wise to mention the situation over Christmas cards. In previous years a number of members have exchanged cards at the final meeting of the year. Sometimes a few members have been embarrassed by not having cards to hand out. It has been suggested to me that we dispense with the old custom and I am happy to go along with that.

I know... ya boo hiss and all that, but whether you consider me a 'Scrooge' is not the point. It's trying to make everyone feel comfortable in our group so I hope you will understand. Of course the final decision will rest with you on the night...

Talking of the night. That will be on Tuesday next, 18th December when we will hold our little Christmas party after sharing our shortened homework, "That smell reminds me of...." Of what you may well ask but let your creative minds work it out in no more than 500 words. Should be an interesting topic.

The party? As always we please ask that you bring along a few nibbles or savouries etc., but nothing excessive. I've got my waistline (if I can find it!) to think about!

Sadly last week we bade farewell to our dear friend Dick. The service at Walton church was lovely, and how nice to hear everyone singing - yes, even me! - followed by the wake at the Orwell Hotel. Thank you to those who attended from Scribblers. We will be making a donation from the Scribblers to both Dick's charities so this will be arranged at next Tuesday's meeting. Anyone who would like to contribute additionally may do so at the meeting, or direct to the Funeral Directors in Walton.

Until next time when we close the Scribblers for the last time in 2018,

Keep Scribbling and remember, 2019 awaits just round the corner.


Wednesday, 5 December 2018

Meeting report

Minutes of Scribblers meeting held on 4 December 2018

Present:  Dave, Tony, Beryl, Steve, Liz, Kay, Derek, Georgina, Hazel, Anne, Liliane, Jane, Cathy
Apologies:  Jim

Dick’s funeral is at 2pm, Walton Church, Thursday 6 December. Dick’s nominated charities were Cancer Research UK and Each. Agreed that Scribblers will donate £50 to each of them, with members free to make additional personal donations if they so wish. These to be to the Co-operative Funeral directors in Walton.

Cathy becoming third cheque signatory. She and Beryl to liaise and organise this before the next meeting.

Request for phone numbers to add to membership details. Cathy reported a good response from regular attendees.

Scribblers’ display in the library in the run up to the 2019 Felixstowe Book Festival. Cathy has raised this with Steph, the library manager, and this was the response: ‘No problem, we’ll have a big display for the Book Festival so a Scribblers and OWL display will fit in nicely.’

Scribblers’ involvement with the FBF. Firstly, Cathy reported her email conversation with Meg regarding the war theme mentioned in the previous minutes. Meg really would like to pursue the Felixstowe connections to the second would war theme in 2019 given that it will be 80 years since it started. She would be delighted if anyone wanted to research and lead the theme. Her idea is that the FBF could perhaps dedicate a session to the result/ have a display over the weekend/ see if we could produce a booklet – a lady named Julia Jones has suggested the booklet idea and she has a press (Golden Duke). Secondly, Meg has asked how Scribblers would like to be involved with the festival. Agreed that members will bring their thoughts/ideas to our meeting on 18 December.

Readings of homework:
The topic was ‘They didn’t even care’. Of the thirteen members present, eleven had produced stories, and what tales they were. Funny, serious, thought provoking, we had them all, and one or two of them elicited lively debate on some of the tougher concerns of our time, e.g. immigration, slave labour, homelessness.

Anne – The hayloft

Liliane – The world out there

Steve – Who cares?

Dave – Journey into grief

Hazel – Christmas Eve at about 10pm

Jane – The lucky ones

Georgina – The spice of life

Kay – Did they really care?

Liz – Struggling with thoughts

Tony – Cappa City

Derek – The hall

Post Christmas meal:
During the coffee break Liz distributed menus from the White Horse Pub for our perusal. She has eaten there recently, and recommends it as a venue. Our menu choices need to be sent to the pub in advance of the meal (no deadline set at present). To that end Liz suggested that her personal email be circulated to members so that they can contact her direct with their choices. Final details will be given at our next meeting on 18 December.

Next meeting:18 December, when we have our Christmas party/get together. Each of us to bring a small plate of nibbles/snacks etc. Before we enjoy them, there will be homework readings, (short stories of maximum 500 words please) and the topic is ‘That smell reminds me of …’

Tuesday, 4 December 2018

Another terrific meeting...

Felixstowe Scribblers always seem to astound me with the quality of their work. Tonight was no exception.

With an excellent turn-out on what was a very cold and raw night it was really good to have Jane in our ranks again and with the promise that she will be back in the New Year.

Let's not detract from the stories, eleven really excellent pieces of work, each one brilliantly created and written in the authors' well-honed styles. Our members really are creative writers who produced the goods from the subject "They didn't even care." The variety of stories was immense but each brought unrivalled attention and admiration for their writers.

Well done everyone! One of the best evening's entertainment for some time.

The start of the meeting was quite sad as we remembered Dick and his funeral on Thursday, 6 December 2pm at St. Mary's in Walton. It is also very sad to recall that the services of both Bill Budner and Jack Wilkinson took place in the same church. Scribblers will make equal donations to both charities mentioned, Cancer Research UK and EACH (East Anglia's Childrens' Hospices) in memory of Dick.

For those who wish to make personal donations to either charity may do so either through the Scribblers or direct to the funeral directors (c/o East of England Co-op Funeral Service, 213 High Street, Walton, Felixstowe. IP11 9BQ) 

Please make your cheque payable to the charity of choice endorsing the reverse with in memory of Richard Bradshaw. Thankyou

Other items discussed were the forthcoming meal which Liz has worked on and the Felixstowe Book Festival and display in the Library a few days earlier to sell out books and anthologies when printed.

Our next meeting will be our last of the year, on Tuesday 18 December when we will produce a shorter homework assignment than usual, no more than 500 words on the subject "That smell reminds me of..."

Keep Scribbling!!!


The Minutes...

Minutes of Scribblers AGM, held on 20 November 2018
Present:  Liliane, Beryl, Dave, Tony, Steve, Kay, Denise (guest), Anne, Georgina, Liz, Cathy
Apologies:  Bridget, Derek, Jim, Gerry

It was pleasing to have such an excellent turn out for the meeting.
Secretary’s report: Cathy gave the following report.

Firstly I’d like to thank our chairman for his constant presence ‘at the helm’ – even when difficult family matters demanded so much of his time, he managed to maintain his role in the group. I’m sure I’m not alone in wishing him years of joy ahead as Grandad, now that his first grandchild Noah, born this year, is finally home and doing well after a rocky start to life.
I ended my report last year with the wish that Scribblers would continue to nurture and support local writers, whatever their ability and experience. I truly believe the group has succeeded in doing precisely that.
Throughout the year we’ve shared and discussed our work. Encouraged each other when we’ve hit the much dreaded writer’s block. Used the ‘activity’ meetings as sources of inspiration. How many of us have been surprised and sometimes delighted with the results of flash fiction sessions?
Some members have had books published. Our massive congratulations to them. We’ve travelled the publishing road with them. Heard readings of their work and given helpful (we hope!) feedback. Shared their frustrations, and finally celebrated their successes. Perhaps more of us will follow suit in 2019!
There have been sadness’s too during the year. The sudden passing of our colleague Mairead was devastating. She was passionate about writing, encouraging, sharing, and she is so much missed. A friend of mine who knew Mairead from another writing group summed it up perfectly, I think, when she said to me ‘Writing defined Mairead.’
Very recently, of course, we have also lost our dear friend Dick Bradshaw; a stalwart of the group until recent ill health forced him to step back. There is so much to recall about his writing ability, his powerful presence, his sense of humour. I’m sure we all have our favourite memories of him. My strongest personal memory is of him reading out our competition entries, and how the words came alive under his exceptional narrative skill.
Overall 2018 has been a good year for the group; long may it continue.

Treasurer’s report:
Beryl’s report showed that the group remains solvent – as ever, we thank her for her work in keeping the books and providing us with her annual report.

Chairman’s report: Dave gave the following report.  
As usual, I will try and keep this as brief as I can. I know you are easily bored!
2018 has been a difficult year for me. As you know it started with my wife recovering from her knee replacement operation whilst the last three months have been pre-occupied with my grandson, Noah. It meant spending the first two months of his life travelling between home and Addenbrooke’s hospital. Fortunately he is now progressing well so that’s one worry out of the way!
The year has been saddened by the loss of Mairead in May and Dick just over a week ago. Very sad times with two of our very talented and well liked members now part of the great writing team above. We will miss them both.
 On a positive side, it has been great to see Derek return to the fold despite spending half his time on the A1 between Ipswich and Yorkshire. Seeing Jane at our last meeting was also a real boost. Let’s hope she can continue to attend when her time permits. Yet more positivity has been the recent arrivals of Liz, Hazel and more recently Georgina. Three meetings and two competitions which Georgina has come runner-up. There’s talent for you! If I’ve missed any newcomers, then I apologise here and now.
It never ceases to amaze me how talented this group really is. This has been the most memorable period for me – the standard of creative short stories has never been bettered, I would go as far as to say that on a national level we must rate up there with the best. Well done and keep it up!
Without the following we could not function properly.
There’s Ruth our honorary president currently Stateside. Cathy our hard working secretary who manages Scribblers as well as her own group, the Orwell Writers’ League. Beryl remains the custodian of our treasures… well, our funds along with the cheques book. Hazel has taken over the Facebook page from Barry. Liliane ensures our access to the library regularly collecting the key. Bridget who so lovingly provided the Crystal Ball in memory of Mairead. Then there’s you. Especial thanks to everyone who helps setting up the room, clearing up and washing up! And, of course you, the members, without whom we could never function! Thankyou!
Highlights of the year? Each meeting seems better than the previous one! Our attendances are holding up well. There’s Ruth still creating her novels in the States, and there’s a former regular, Jeanette, who has secured a two book deal for next year. Both Tony and Anne have their own novels published now whilst Beryl is on the cusp of receiving the first copy of her own novel based on her family. We all have that spark within to write and complete our own novels. Let the next twelve months prove that! Then there are the three in house competitions in honour of Bill Budner, Jack Wilkinson and now Mairead Reidy.
The downside? Obviously the loss of Mairead and Dick. For the first time our shared event with OWL at the Felixstowe Book Festival would have been a great success but the lack of publicity and the inability within the tight time schedule to prepare the room or even provide the necessary tables for the Flash Fiction event left much to be desired. I cannot confirm our attendance next year, we’ll have to wait and see if we are invited to participate.
Last year I mentioned our display boards. Is there anywhere they can be used to advertise our group? Maybe one or two of you would like to help provide regular small features for the local media. It would keep us in the local eye. So thanks everyone for your support through the year. Long may it continue! Keep Scribbling!!!

Weblog: Dave reported that hits have decreased this year, but all agreed that this was not something to concern us greatly.

Election of committee members: current committee members present were willing to stand again, and the group voted unanimously to retain them. Liz was voted on (Dave proposed, Cathy seconded) to fill Mairead’s role.
·         Cheque signatory: Cathy was to replace Caz as a cheque signatory. This has not been actioned yet and must be done as soon as possible.
·         Membership list: Agreed that we need to hold telephone numbers and possibly addresses for members in case we need to contact them urgently. Cathy had contacted members after the 2017 AGM but received very few responses. Will try again.

Structure of meetings:
·         The provisional programme for 2019 was agreed.
·         Competitions: Will retain two Bill Budner, two Jack Wilkinson, and one Mairead.
           Mairead’s will be held on the meeting date nearest to Halloween – this falls on 5 November next year.           
·         Jack Wilkinson trophy - this is a very popular competition, but several members agreed that it can be very difficult to judge when we follow the broad writing remit that it currently has. Dave will ask Caz whether or not she would be happy for us to devote one of Jack’s trophy nights to a story about children, and the other to a story for children aged 7 – 11.
·         Homework themes - at next meeting (4 December) each member to bring in three homework themes to add to our current selection.

Planning for the future:
·         Felixstowe Book Festival – Cathy to replace Mairead as liaison person with Meg Reid, festival organiser. Agreed in principle that Scribblers would be prepared to share an event with Orwell Writers’ League if there is not the opportunity for each group to have its own slot.

·         Anthology: agreed that we will publish a further anthology next year. Georgina will help Dave and Beryl with the editing process, and we will use Gipping Press again. Sales – we will investigate alternative outlets for 2019. Trophy winners’ stories to be included. All stories for inclusion to be with Dave (emailed) by mid-February. Further details will be forthcoming at future meetings.

Publicity to boost membership:
·         The consensus was that the group currently is at optimum numbers. With an average attendance of between 8 and 11, there is always time for feedback and discussion of work; larger numbers decrease this opportunity, to everybody’s detriment.
·         Agreed that an annual publicity event would be appropriate. At the time of the Felixstowe Book Festival, we could hire the library’s £5 per week display space, to promote our newest anthology, plus books published by our members.
·         Tony might be involved with Felixstowe Radio again next year – this could provide us with an opportunity to have readings of some of our work again.

   Social events:
·         Will have the usual post-Christmas meal (Liz to organise), but there was no interest in having a social event in the summer.

Any other business:
·         Writeathon – Dave suggested that we do an online writeathon – this was agreed
·         Publishing experiences – at meetings where we have time, then any member present who has had a book published could share their experiences with us

Meeting closed at 9.10pm.

Next meeting: 4 December, when the theme for the 1000 word homework is ‘They didn’t even care’

Sunday, 2 December 2018

This week's meeting

First I must apologise for those who have emailed about Dick and the charities that have been mentioned. At our meeting we must decide on amount from Scribblers and which charity, but this will not stop anyone else from donating also. Details will follow after Tuesday's meeting.

Dick's funeral, as we know, is this Thursday 6th December at 2pm at St Mary's Church, Walton. Hoping the Scribblers will be well represented to say farewell to our friend.

I'm hoping Beryl will have copies of her book available at Tuesday's meeting. From the excerpts she has read over the months, I suspect it will be a very good read.

Re AGM - we need to update our members list. Whilst we have email addresses we feel, in any emergency situation, to be able to contact everyone by phone - this will only be in emergency situations and your numbers will be held securely and not divulged to any other person or party. I hope you understand and will help. Many thanks.

Also, for those attending this weeks meeting will you please bring in three prospective homework themes, each written on small separate slip of paper. This will boost the subjects we already have in hand and, hopefully add to our creative enjoyment through the next twelve months. Again, thank you.

I'm sure there is more to say but, our meeting will be on Tuesday 4 December in the Room at The Top. 7.30 start. Door will be locked at 7.30. Theme for the 1,000 word homework is :
"They didn't even care."

Hope to see you Tuesday.

Keep Scribbling

Monday, 26 November 2018

Our Dick.

RICHARD BRADSHAW Passed away suddenly at home on November 11, 2018, aged 83. Loving Fiance to Pearl, stepdad, grandad and great-grandad. He will be sadly missed by family and friends. The Funeral service will be held at St Mary's Church, Walton, Felixstowe on Thursday, December 6, 2018, at 2.00 p.m. Family flowers only please, with donations if desired made payable to ‘Cancer Research UK' or ‘EACH', may be sent c/o. East of England Co-op. Funeral Service, 213 High Street, Walton, Felixstowe, Suffolk IP11 9BQ. 

Wednesday, 21 November 2018


This proved to be a very positive and well-attended evening with much discussion over items on the agenda.

One of the hardest things to do was to replace Mairead on our committee and Liz was nominated and agreed to help to begin with by organising a Christmas dinner.

A decision was taken over the possibility of producing a new anthology for 2019. A sub-committee was formed to investigate costs with our favoured Gipping Press, and dates submissions will be required and print and delivery dates. Beryl, Georgina and Dave will work together on editing work. They will investigate the possibility of selling not only the anthology but our members books in the Library.

The Jack Wilkinson Memorial Trophy will have a different theme for each meeting next year. The first, on 19 February will be stories about children. The second, on 20 August will be for stories for children between the ages of 7 and 11.

Cathy will act as liaison for both Felixstowe Scribblers and the Orwell Writers' League in respect of the Felixstowe Book Festival.

We will provide one press release after the Book Festival but also attempt to have sample stories from the anthology read out on local radio.

A new Writeathon will commence in the New Year.

Opportunities will be given to members who would like to spend a few minutes talking about their experiences of writing novels, publications and writing at future meetings.

Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday 4th December when the homework theme will be "They didn't even care."

Until then,

Keep Scribbling!!!

Monday, 19 November 2018


Our Annual General Meeting takes place this Tuesday (20 November). Start time will be 7.30pm when the door will be locked.

The AGM allows you, as members of the Scribblers, to discuss any issues you may have with the general running of the group, the structure of meetings, the 2019 programme, our competitions, and possible membership drives in fact anything that will help us move into the future.

We must also make decisions on the present committee and who, if anyone, will replace Mairead.

There are many items to discuss so hopefully we will have a very positive outcome.

With any luck – did I hear any groans? – we might even manage to have one short flash fiction session. I hope so. That would round off the evening nicely.

One thing I must remind you about, it is time for your annual subscriptions if you wish to pay that way. It is the cheapest method at £30 per year although paying for individual meeting is £5 a time. Cheques payable please to “Felixstowe Scribblers”. We have continued to keep our prices the same as previous years. Hopefully these will go a long way to covering our room hire, Library and Brexit permitting!

Attached is a copy of the Agenda for Tuesday’s meeting and also a provisional programme of meetings in 2019.

At present we have no further details about Dick’s funeral arrangements. Thank you for all the sympathy messages both by email and on Facebook.


     In Attendance

Apologies for absence

1    Secretary's Report.

2    Treasurer’s Report.

3    Chairman’s Report.

4    Weblog Report.

5    Ratification of existing committee and election of a member to replace Mairead as Social organiser.

6    Alterations to cheque signatories.

7    Introduction of a membership list and telephone numbers.

8    Structure of Meetings:

i)  Frequency of our three competitions - The Bill Budner and Jack Wilkinson trophies and the Mairead Reidy Crystal Ball Award.
ii) 1000 word homework and themes.
iii) Suggestions for new themes.

9     Planning for the future:
i)The Felixstowe Book Festival 2019.
ii) A new anthology?

10  Publicity to boost membership:
                                          i) Regular notes to local papers/magazines
                                          ii) Use of display boards at various locations.

11Social Events.
i)             “Christmas Meal”
ii)            Summertime function?

12  Any Other Business.

Hope to see you on Tuesday!


Tuesday, 13 November 2018

Memories of Our Dick

Dick and Cathy
with the
Jack Wilkinson Memorial Trophy.

Dick amongst some of the Scribblers
on the cover of "Words."

Dick and many of the "Lost Sock" crew.

At one of the Xmas Parties, this one held at the Brook Hotel.

One of  Our Club.
One of Dick's publications.

From the master of history and tales, our own
Man in Black ...
The Man in Black at Languard Fort - the chilling figure of our Dick.

Monday, 12 November 2018

Our Dick.


I received some very sad news a little while ago.

Our dear friend and Felixstowe Scribbler, Richard Dick Bradshaw has passed away, I believe yesterday.

Dick leaves a wonderful legacy behind, a children's series of books, "Feathered Tales," the ghostly happenings down at Landguard, "Things that go bump in the Fort," has many poems published including some with the Imperial War Museum, and, of course, was one of the scriptwriters of the famous "Lost Sock." Not only did he help write it but he acted in it too!

A former teacher, Dick had a wonderful sense of humour and scores upon scores of tales to tell.  He leaves such a very big void that we will never be able to fill.

Rest in Peace my dear friend,


Our Dick

I have heard some very sad news today.

Our dear friend Dick has passed away, I believe yesterday.

Dick leaves a wonderful legacy behind but also a very big void to fill.

At present I have no further information but will send out further news as soon as I can.
