Formed over forty years ago, our Writers Circle is based in Felixstowe, Suffolk. Meetings are held in The Room at the Top in Felixstowe Library, normally on the first and third Tuesday of each month commencing at 7.30pm and finishing by 10.00pm. Check this weblog for details of meetings.

There is an annual November to November fee of £30, April to November is £20 and June to November £15. For members preferring to pay at each meeting the charge is £5 per meeting. To contact Felixstowe Scribblers simply email or the Secretary,

Wednesday, 17 January 2018

Meeting report

Minutes of Scribblers meeting held on 16 January 2018

Present:  Liliane, Dave, Bridget, Tony, Steve, Gerry, Kay, Anne, Mairead, Cathy, Derek and Liz
Apologies:  Beryl

We welcomed new member Liz to her very first meeting, and were delighted to have Derek return to us after an absence of more than two years.  Good too that Mairead was well enough to join us after a spell of illness – especially since she brought along some treats for us all to enjoy! 

The evening was devoted to a flash fiction session, with the topic drawn from the hat being ‘levitation’. There was a brief debate about whether or not we should draw again, since the subject was met with dismay by most of the members, but we agreed to accept the challenge, and settled down to write for 25 minutes.
And was it worthwhile? Well, yes it was, since we managed to write a tremendous variety of stories based on what appeared to be an uninspiring topic. We listened to tales of circus performers, penguins travelling to Felixstowe beach, teenage girls debating the possibilities of levitating in Greggs – and much more! Lots of laughter and discussion around the various tales, and a thoroughly enjoyable evening was had by all.

Homework theme for 6 February (note the three week break) is ‘The Cape’ – up to 1000 words.

Tuesday, 16 January 2018

The flash fiction evening.

A bumper turn out for the Flash Fiction evening included a new face, Liz, and the return of a former Scribbler Derek. Altogether it proved to be an enormously enjoyable evening.

The subject drawn out drew quite a number of groans - "LEVITATION". It is surprising how our creative minds work - the stories were all excellent with some very descriptive work in the allotted 25 minute writing time.

Our next meeting is in THREE weeks time on 6th February when the homework assignment is to write up to 1,000 words on "THE CAPE." As always, if you don't like the subject matter then please bring along another piece of writing within the word limit.

Until next time,

Keep Scribbling!

Saturday, 13 January 2018

Our next meeting

How quickly time flies! We are already approaching our second meeting of the year which takes place this Tuesday 16th January 2018. This is a flash fiction event so no homework necessary! The theme for the meeting will be drawn at the start of the meeting, an allotted time given to writing your story before it is shared with other members.

For those who didn't attend last time, will you please bring in three words on separate pieces of paper that can be a prompt for a forthcoming homework or flash fiction event. Thank you!

Ruth has a new book due out in April, it can be pre-ordered through Amazon. Entitled The things you didn't see' it is another story set in Suffolk.

Until Tuesday,

Keep Scribbling!!!


Tuesday, 9 January 2018

Ruth's new book ... due out soon.

The Things You Didn't See, is now available for pre-order at Amazon. Set in Suffolk, it tells the tale of a farmer's daughter who wakes to discover her mother shot, a suspected suicide attempt. But things are not quite as they seem and Cassandra must navigate the twists as she tries to discover the truth of what happened.
It's out in April. 

Wednesday, 3 January 2018

Meeting report

Minutes of Scribblers' meeting held on 2 January 2018.

Present: Bridget, Anne, Beryl, Liliane, Steve, Tony, Dave.
Apologies: Di and Cathy.


Happy New Year everyone!

Best wishes to Cathy who is suffering from a nasty bug again.

The first meeting of the year is always a little down on numbers as tonight’s attendance shows. A meeting the day after New Year’s Day was always likely to be down on attendance neither did the abysmal weather help matters!

A small group means more time can be spent discussing the readings and such was the case tonight. There were some really impressive stories as well, I’d go so much as to say some were absolutely stunning creations.

Last year’s cache of homework themes were thrown into the bin and replaced with new ones - three at a time - kindly submitted by our members. For those who missed the meeting then simply bring along three suggested themes next time you attend. These can be single words or a short phrase to start a story... The choice is yours!

Anne was recently interviewed on Felixstowe Radio about her book and publicised Felixstowe Scribblers into the bargain! Thanks Anne and good luck with the sales.

Dave passed round a glossy 24 page booklet, “All about Martlesham Heath,” which was written by young schoolgirl Leah Phelan and filled with interesting pictures. Leah, who attends Birchwood Primary School, had her booklet published circulated with Martlesham Monthly magazine. Impressive work for one so young!

Readings of homework: Theme was ‘SHOW.’

Anne:          The Syllaburbs Syndrome.

Liliane:        The Grim Season.

Beryl:          The Show Must Go On.

Dave:          Boxed Secrets.

Steve:         Davy Jones Locker.

Bridget:       Show The Police This Message.

Tony:          Miracle at Gifford’s Cross.

A really fantastic collection of stories!

Next meeting will be on 16 January. This will be the first Flash Fiction session of the year which means there is no homework! The subject matter for the session will be drawn at the start of the meeting.

Tuesday, 2 January 2018

Quality words...

The first meeting of the year is not always well attended and tonight our numbers were down on normal. Being only the second day into the New Year and with some pretty awful weather outside it is no wonder we had a lower attendance than usual.

The benefit of a smaller group is that we have time to digest and discuss every story and though not every work was on the homework theme of "SHOW," there were so many fantastic words providing some really inspiring and captivating tales.

Next time we will hold the first Flash Fiction event of the year. That is on 16th January. The subject matter will be drawn out on the night.

Until then...

Keep Scribbling!!!