Formed over forty years ago, our Writers Circle is based in Felixstowe, Suffolk. Meetings are held in The Room at the Top in Felixstowe Library, normally on the first and third Tuesday of each month commencing at 7.30pm and finishing by 10.00pm. Check this weblog for details of meetings.

There is an annual November to November fee of £30, April to November is £20 and June to November £15. For members preferring to pay at each meeting the charge is £5 per meeting. To contact Felixstowe Scribblers simply email or the Secretary,

Wednesday, 28 February 2018

Morag's new book!

New From our friend Morag Clarke, a new novel that is due for release any day soon. It is on Amazon where you will find all the details!

Morag was a regular at Scribblers until work intervened - in fact the novel had its root in those days when Morag read out several extracts.

Here's hoping you get a copy to read - she was always a good writer, a very good writer - and I am certain she will prove that in this novel.

Liz Trenow Writers' Workshop.

I have met some of your members when doing talks for the Felixstowe Book Festival so I wondered whether they might be interested in the Writers’ Workshop that I am running for Essex Book Festival at First Site, Colchester, on Sunday 4th March. It will be a small group and very practical, with a focus on writing historical fiction.

There is more information at, and more about me on the website below.

I would be very grateful if you could circulate this information to your members.

With best wishes
Liz Trenow

Wednesday, 21 February 2018

Meeting report

Minutes of Scribblers meeting held on 20 February 2018

Present: Liliane, Dave, Bridget, Mairead, Cathy, Derek, Beryl, Liz, Dick, Di C
Apologies: Tony, Anne

Accounts – Beryl informed us that the person who currently checks our books is no longer well enough to continue. Dave suggested we keep the work in house, and has volunteered to take the task on. Our thanks to him for this.
Annual meal: This will be on March 13 at the Orwell – Mairead to let everyone know of the change. It may be that the new date will allow more members to attend than the previously suggested one.
Refreshments – as ever, our thanks to Mairead for the pastries she brought for us to share.

The competition for the Jack Wilkinson trophy attracted only five entries this time, but we still had a good turnout of members who wanted to listen to and judge the work. This competition always brings forth amazing stories – and this evening’s offerings were no exception.

Dick kindly came along to help Beryl with the readings, and as ever they both did us proud. Our thanks to them.

First place went to Beryl for her story ‘Bozo’
Derek took second place with ‘A Rainbow Ho Ho Ho’
Cathy came third with ‘Clancy’s Hat’

Remaining stories were Liliane’s ‘The Mall’, and Dave’s ‘Baby Blues’

There was plenty of time after the presentation and photo shoot to have a couple of extra readings.
Mairead entertained us with her tale of Dick Turpin’s dastardly deeds, and Bridget asked us for feedback on her work called ‘Ghost’.

Feedback for Bridget led to a lot of discussion on death, parting, regression, spiritualism, and our own personal beliefs. She was surprised by the level of interest and contemplation her work had engendered, but we all agreed that it was a tremendously thought provoking piece, and one which we felt privileged to listen to.

Next meeting: This will be on 6 March, and the homework is up to 1000 words using the phrase ‘It was just one of those days …’ as inspiration.

And the winner is...

The Jack Wilkinson Memorial Trophy had a very healthy attendance but there was disappointment with only five entries in contention. Those entries were read by Beryl and Dick who was making one of his rare attendances these days.

The entries were all superb but one stood out and that was 'Bozo,' written by Beryl who recorded her second victory in the competition. Congratulations once again!

Derek's 'A Rainbow? Ha ha' was a brilliant runner-up whilst Cathy's 'Clancy's Hat' took third place.

Bridget produced a piece of work that she began for our Halloween meeting but was never completed. She has worked on it over the weeks and read it out for feedback.

It was so well written and dealt with many questions about the end of life and the possibility of surviving death. It prompted a long and healthy discussion and surely lays the foundation for a homework assignment at some stage. For the here and now Bridget should try getting it published.

A reminder that our meal will now be at Orwell Hotel on Tuesday 13th March.

Our next meeting will be on 6th March when the homework assignment was drawn out of the hat - 'It's Just One of Those Days.' I think we have all had one of those!

Until next time...

Keep Scribbling!!!

Thursday, 15 February 2018

The book festival...

There seems there has been a glitch with the content of the email I sent last night, disappearing from view! So I’m trying again to remember exactly what was included! Here goes!

First I hope you will all welcome the news that we have two slots at the Felixstowe Book Festival (FBF). We discussed the offer of a new event at the last Scribblers meeting.

We will be participating in the Cafe Culture session 5.45 - 7.30pm on Saturday 30 June which will feature the three Felixstowe groups – our own Scribblers, the Orwell Writers’ and the Poets. The good news is that each of the three groups have been allocated 8 free tickets each which is a very generous offer on the part of the organisers.

Additionally we have been offered the final slot in the FBF programme for another Flash Fiction kind of event. This will be on from 4.30 until 5.30 on Sunday 1st July in the Furneaux Suite at the Orwell Hotel. I have offered, and it has been accepted, for the Orwell Writers’ to join us a shared venture. I hope you all agree as it will be a great boost to both our groups who already work closely together. This event will be chargeable.

I really hope that our members will support both these events and show the positive creative skills that Felixstowe Scribblers have to offer. It really is a good time to be part of our group.

One final FBF point. We have a request from Meg Reid the organiser who says:-

“I know some of you help out a lot at the festival but you may have heard that for financial reasons to do with money we have extended the festival from Wednesday to Sunday and also added a pop up festival along the seafront in beach huts and a container in the gardens. This means we need more help at the festival so would welcome hearing from your members if they can assist by acting as marshals, ticket takers etc or to hand out publicity at the pop up events. We also need someone qualified in first aid.”

If you are willing to help as Meg asks, please contact her direct – otherwise let me know I will forward your details on.

Our next meeting is coming up quite quickly now. It is the Jack Wilkinson Memorial trophy for a story about or for children, The work must not include any reference to the identity of the author. It must be a maximum of 1,000 words, typed on one side of the paper and the sheets clipped or stapled together please. The meeting starts at 7.30pm on Tuesday 20th February in our usual meeting place.

I believe Mairead has, or will be emailing everyone about the forthcoming meal.

Until Tuesday...

Keep Scribbling!

Wednesday, 7 February 2018

Meeting report

Minutes of Scribblers meeting held on 6 February 2018

Present:  Liliane, Dave, Bridget, Tony, Steve, Gerry, Kay, Anne, Mairead, Cathy, Derek, Beryl, Liz
Apologies:  None

Firstly, we were delighted to welcome our newest member Diane to the group. She certainly chose the right evening to try us out – pretty much a full house, and with all present having something to read out, it gave her a good insight into the kind of work we all do.

Felixstowe Book Festival (FBF). The organiser, Meg Reid, had emailed Dave to put forward a new idea for local writers within the FBF, as below. The HLL in the text refers to His Lordship’s Library, a room in the Orwell Hotel, where the FBF is largely based.

I wanted to find a different and fresh format to promote local writers and had this suggestion from Mark Brayley. The format is similar to an event he is chairing for Essex Book Fest.

Suggested blurb:

Cafe Culture Saturday 30 June 5.45-7.30 HLL
"Bringing together local and regional writers including Felixstowe's own Scribblers, Orwell Writers and Cafe Poets, Mark Brayley and Emma Pey host an evening cafĂ© discussion on what success looks like in our art form. Story tellers, wordsmiths and bards bring your experiences and something to read to celebrate your own success in our open mic."
We would have a cafe type lay out in HLL and say people could get their drinks etc from the bar. There would be a discussion as above and everyone would be invited to share a piece of writing if they wish.

There was a mixed response to this, as it appears that Scribblers may only have this slot, instead of running a flash fiction workshop as we’ve done at previous festivals. However, we await further information from Meg – and in principle the idea was fairly well received.

Post Christmas Meal – Mairead will email everybody with menu/cost options for both The Alex (whose prices have increased considerably recently) and The Orwell Hotel.

Readings of homework:
‘The cape’ was the topic, and despite many of us commenting on how hard we found it to write to this theme, it was obvious, as the readings progressed, that our struggles had produced some really fine work. We heard tales of war, illicit love (Liliane’s twist on Red Riding Hood!), mystic folk songs, criminal activity, true life travel to the North Cape, ghosts, fly tying (as in fishing) …….. and more! To keep our strength up for both reading and listening, Mairead had provided some delicious cakes and chocolates – both much appreciated – thank you Mairead.

Next meeting: This will be on 20 February, and is a competition for the Jack Wilkinson Memorial Trophy. Competition rules: write up to 1000 words with children in the theme i.e. a story either for, including, or about children. Each entrant prints their work, (no names or identifiers to be on it), and places it face down on the table when they arrive. Two readers, usually Beryl, Cathy or Dick Bradshaw, read the entries out. Listeners make personal notes as entries are heard, then select their top three pieces of work in order of preference (1 – 3). The marks are added up (usually by Dave), and the winner is presented with the trophy by the current holder, in this case Anne. 

Tuesday, 6 February 2018

What a night!

A near capacity group packed into The Room at the Top for the biggest attendance we have had for a long while. What a superb evening it was too! With thirteen eclectic stories mostly involving the homework topic 'The Cape' it was surprising how gripping and entertaining the evening was. Imagine some thirteen thousand words being read out with such pride that the awkward topic had been overcome with such authority.

Two items for the Scribblers to consider are the social meal which Mairead is gathering quotes for, and our groups participation in the 2018 Felixstowe Book Festival.

Before that we stage the Jack Wilkinson Memorial Trophy on 20th February. Your story should be about, or for children. The same 1,000 word length as usual and remembering not to include any indication of the author on the story. We hope to have two independent readers for the evening. Details are shown above.

Until next time...

Keep Scribbling!!!


Sunday, 4 February 2018

Our next meeting...

This Tuesday... 6th February at 7.30 in The Room at the Top, Felixstowe Library.

The homework assignment is to write up to 1,000 words on "CAPE". As always, if the subject doesn't inspire you then please bring along a story of your own choosing ensuring it falls within the specified word limit.

Here's to Tuesday!

Until then...

Keep Scribbling!!!