Formed over forty years ago, our Writers Circle is based in Felixstowe, Suffolk. Meetings are held in The Room at the Top in Felixstowe Library, normally on the first and third Tuesday of each month commencing at 7.30pm and finishing by 10.00pm. Check this weblog for details of meetings.

There is an annual November to November fee of £30, April to November is £20 and June to November £15. For members preferring to pay at each meeting the charge is £5 per meeting. To contact Felixstowe Scribblers simply email or the Secretary,

Thursday, 21 January 2010

Report of our last meeting


For all your research and information
visit your local Felixstowe Library
and the Suffolk Record Office .




Apologies: Ruth, Debbie, Trish, Sue, Rosie, Barry and Simon.

Present: Dick, Peter, Tony, Liz, Linda, Sandy, Cathy, Sarah, Ros, Angela, Amanda, Shaun, Ally, Jane and Dave (chair)

Welcome to Sarah who came along for her first meeting.


The evening was devoted to the anonymous competition for the Bill Budner Trophy. A really good turnout for the meeting with some excellent and high standard work produced. It was unfortunate that three writers were unable to participate in the competition itself.

Tony is appearing in Springfield Follies pantomime production of Babes in the Wood at the Kesgrave Community Centre on Saturday 30th January, Friday 5th and Saturday 6th February. Details of times and prices are posted on our weblog at
A long established amateur dramatic group, the Springfield Follies support local charities.

Also on the weblog are details of the Bristol Short Story Prize that has a £500 first prize, £350 second prize and a £200 third prize. Worth looking at!

The Platform:

Jane read Song of the Day written by Tony.
Ally read Mrs Matilda Debenham written by Ros.
Amanda read There’s a Way written by Dick.
Angela read Sarah’s Revelation written by Amanda.
Ros read Seeking Pamela written by Dave.
Sandy read Bubbles in the Air written by Angela.
Linda read Winning Dog written by Peter.
Liliane read A Mark of Independence written by Jane.
Tony read Through the Eyes of a Child written by Sandy.
Peter read Just a Kiss written by Ally.
Dick read The Real Princess written by Liliane.
Dave read Past Love written by Linda.

The result, producing the ninth different winner in nine stagings of the competition was as follows:

1st place Bubbles in the Air by Angela.
2nd place A Mark of Independence by Jane.
=3rd place Through the Eyes of a Child by Sandy.
=3rd place The Real Princess by Liliane.

Congratulations to Angela on her victory and well done to everyone else for helping to make this another phenomenal success.

It is a mark of the high standard of writing amongst our Scribblers that a different member has won the trophy on nine separate occasions

A picture recording the presentation of the trophy is on our weblog at

Next time:

Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday 2nd February at 7.30 pm in the Room at the Top, Felixstowe Library with a 500 word assignment on “Snow and Ice”, a subject that has affected us all in recent weeks.

The 1,500 Open themed work will be undertaken by Angela and Ros.

Until then,

Keep Scribbling!
