It is virtually 25 years since Ouse Valley Poetry group was formed in Bedford and has since incorporated the Coast to Coast Writing Competitions that have been so popular for such a long time.
One of eight writers to form the group is Maurice James now resides in Liverpool and organises all the Coast to Coast competitions. Maurice says, that to celebrate a quarter of a century, there will be a Presentation Day at the Plaza Cinema, Waterloo, Liverpool commencing at 11.00am on Monday 19 April 2010 exactly 25 years since its inception.
Invites have been sent to all entrants in the 2009 Coast to Coast competitions and though there is an admission charge to the Presentation Day, this could be linked to a long weekend on Merseyside where some of the attractions are The Beatles Experience, Albert Dock, the Iron Men on Crosby Beach, the Victorian resort of Southport and the Royal Philharmonic Hall. It could be a fascinating time.
Because of health problems the first two Coast to Coast competitions of the year have been delayed for which Maurice apologises but hopes to be back on target very soon.
The Scribblers send their wishes to Maurice for a speedy recovery and a happy and successful Anniversary.