Hi Scribes,
I have be asked to impart a small piece of knowledge to all who are writing a novel and wish to self publish an e book. I have just tried the process with the subsidiary of Amazon called Create Space.com If you type into your search engine 'Create space Amazon', it will take you to the site.
It has taken me about three weeks (that is slow) to bring the process to a proof approval, when the book goes on sale on the net. In the past I have had one book published through a vanity publisher which cost me dearly and have had just a few sales on the internet.
If your one wish is to see your creation in print and have it 'out there' Create space is the best, the cheapest (about 47$) and the easiest route to follow, (in my opinion).
The finished article is as good as you set it out and the process is quite painless. Anyone interested should visit the site and if you has a question regarding the process itself I will be glad to help out.
I would stress that this is the route if you are just interested in seeing your work in print and do not wish to go through the hoops required for getting a regular publisher to first of all read, and then be interested enough to take it further.
I hope this is of interest.
The title of Barry's new work is "Springfield 30 06"