July was a busy month on Paragraph Planet so lots to tell you about in this newsletter.
July Archive
Firstly, all the July paragraphs are online - http://www.paragraphplanet.com/jul11archive.htm - Featuring Robin Hood lookalikes, supermarket nudity, misplaced wishes and the end of the News of the World...and many more
Flash-Lit Fiction
Paragraph Planet is proud to be invited as a guest judge for 'Flash-Lit Fiction' - "An evening of short shorts, flash writing and digital technologies" - a joint production between Grit lit and Story Studio in Brighton on 11th September 2011 as part of the Brighton Digital Festival. More details here: http://flashlitfiction.eventbrite.com/
Author Interviews
A recent new feature on the website is the inclusion of 'Author Interviews.' These are accessible via the Authors page - http://www.paragraphplanet.com/authors.htm - The first 3 interviewees have been Judy Astley (whose book "The Look of Love" came out in July), Kate Morris ("Seven days one summer") and Julie Corbin ("Where the truth lies").
Writing Group Map
A writing group map has recently been added to the site. http://www.paragraphplanet.com/writing-groups.htm More groups will be added shortly, so take a look, and if you're a member of a group which would like to be added, there's a link on the same page.
Richard Hearn
Paragraph Planet
http://www.paragraphplanet.com/ihome2.htm - iphone version
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