Meeting on the 4th October 2011
Apologies from Dick, on holiday, Pamela, unwell,Cathy, babysitting for unwell daughter,Carolyn, preparing for another trip to Australia, visiting relatives, Sandra and Sally, both stranded by a car that will not stop.
Members present; Dave,Caz,Les,Ray,Liliane,Martin,Beryl,Tony,Robyn and yours truly.
The homework subject for tonight was designated as THE CUP. Also a period in history was allocated to each member for the next meetings contribution.
For those not present at the meeting, commiserations, you missed another interesting meeting and may your reason for not attending have a happy resolution, whether it be holiday or sickness.
Now for a brief description of the stories presented.
Dave. THE CUP RUNNETH OVER Another chapter in the work in progress concerning Pauline, a shopping trip on crutches and an horrific meeting with the perpetrator of her health woes. The cup in question was an upturned vessel dripping liquid on her kitchen table. Next meeting he will grace us with a story from THE 50's.
Caz. Gave us a true recounting of the day her son Jack won THE COURTESY CUP, one that was awarded to the pupil exhibiting the truest courteous behaviour, and the smaller version her and Karl had made to stand in place of the large one when it was returned after the year. As you know, Jack died some years ago but the cup still reminds of a bright and courteous young man. Next meeting Caz will write about THE STONE AGE.
Les. ATROPHY. Les had us laughing at his poem concerning our own Scribblers attempting to write a story for the Bill Budner Trophy. His description of some of our members was so true to life, and next meeting he will express himself in ELIZABETHAN.
Ray managed to successfully get a beginning middle and end in his story of BARNABY RUDGE, the son of a deceased WW2 American pilot who managed to not only survive bullying as he was a serious student, but to eclipse his nemesis at the end of school prize giving by being awarded the trophy for being the most inspirational boy in school. Next meeting his challenge will be to do the same for someone in MEDIEVAL TIMES.
Liliane. What can I say? Liliane's family tree should look like a five hundred year old oak, with it's members spread hither and thither. This week her story THE MORNING AFTER showed us how the family coped after a mornings refreshment evolved into Pa disappearing from the home, unknowingly accompanied by a younger member of the family and the frantic attempts by the rest of the family to locate them.Next meeting she will no doubt project some family members into THE FUTURE.
Martin's piece evoked applause such was the originality of a list of lady friends and their social scores with ladies of literary and the modern world's entertainment industry. This was entitled LADY MACBETH IN MORRISONS. The way the list was drawn up had us chuckling from the first line. No doubt he will entertain once more with next meetings subject for him being THE 60's.
Beryl led us through her father's life as a salesman for Pyrosil Ware, a European derivative of the Corning brand of Pyrex, a familiar name to most people. Her father (in the story) had what the family called DAD'S DEMO CUP, a utensil so strong that he could hammer nails in with it. This part was fiction, I'm told, but he also demonstrated the strength of the product by bouncing plates. A story told as a conversation between the reader and the listener. Next meeting Beryl will be unable to attend due to family commitments.
Tony brought us a last minute contribution called SWEET FA a short poem that had us chuckling all over again. A well constructed poem of football teams lower in the leagues, and their striving for glory and a fictitious cup contest between various sweets and chocolate bars. Next time he will no doubt be ROMAN through another story.
Robyn told us of her predilection for one or other of her eighteen different cups and their use during the day. Her story was entitled JUST MY CUPPA. Next meeting Robyn will try her hand at a story involving WW2.
Barry (yours truly) told of AMBULANCE 4427 an EMS vehicle in the Missouri town of Maryland heights and how Simon and family arrived there to work and the accident that occurred on arrival day. Simon's heroism prompted a grateful lady awarding him and his family a weekend in St Louis with the eventual connection to The Cup, a cup cake bakery and a party. Next time I shall get to grips with THE 40's.
That concludes the report and as usual there was much talent and humour in the contributions. Many thanks to all who participated. I will say to those who were unable to attend last night, if you will be attending the next meeting on the 18th October could you contact me for a spare Historical Period.
Barry (Secretary)