Two books from author Marion Maz Mason. Her latest is due out soon and although her subject is medical, she has had the support of a consultant at Papworth Hospital along with other medical people. She has recently been interviewed on BBC Radio Suffolk advertising a week-long exhibition of the art from her first book, illustrated for children.
CPAP and Ventilator Secrets.
Available from 5 December 2011
Freephone telephone orders: 0800 002 9711
Also bookshops and other on-line book-stores.
Recipes by: As I Live And Breathe
CPAP and Ventilator Secrets.
Available from 5 December 2011
Freephone telephone orders: 0800 002 9711
Also bookshops and other on-line book-stores.
Recipes by: As I Live And Breathe
Also available from Marion is
A Monkey, a Mouse and a CPAP Machine.
ISBN 978-0-9569455-0-1
A Monkey, a Mouse and a CPAP Machine.
ISBN 978-0-9569455-0-1