Formed over forty years ago, our Writers Circle is based in Felixstowe, Suffolk. Meetings are held in The Room at the Top in Felixstowe Library, normally on the first and third Tuesday of each month commencing at 7.30pm and finishing by 10.00pm. Check this weblog for details of meetings.

There is an annual November to November fee of £30, April to November is £20 and June to November £15. For members preferring to pay at each meeting the charge is £5 per meeting. To contact Felixstowe Scribblers simply email or the Secretary,

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

One of the best meetings...ever!

The genre meeting proved to be very popular with a healthy attendance, most folk writing outside their personal comfort zones but... and this is what is best about the Scribblers... every single member presented a really excellent story, or in Les's case, a poetic re-write of some major events and characters in our history.

Such a lovely group of talented writers who have made meetings so friendly and enjoyable. Thanks to Caz for bringing along a lovely homemade cake. Much appreciated by all!

Get well soon Sally
Please send your thoughts out to Sally, Sandy's daughter, who has been unwell for some time.

Next meeting is on 6th November with the subject exactly that - "November".  Whether it is an event that took place during the month, or something a little sinister, it gives plenty of scope for some more fascinating stories.

A reminder that from this meeting, an annual fee of £25 fee will be raised and this will provide admission to all our meetings. If you prefer to pay meeting by meeting then it will cost £3 each time you attend.

The Scribe.