Formed over forty years ago, our Writers Circle is based in Felixstowe, Suffolk. Meetings are held in The Room at the Top in Felixstowe Library, normally on the first and third Tuesday of each month commencing at 7.30pm and finishing by 10.00pm. Check this weblog for details of meetings.

There is an annual November to November fee of £30, April to November is £20 and June to November £15. For members preferring to pay at each meeting the charge is £5 per meeting. To contact Felixstowe Scribblers simply email or the Secretary,

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

AGM and meeting report

Members present
Dave, Dick, Rhani, Liliane, Barry M, Tony, Martin, Ray and yours truly.

We had apologies from Beryl and from Caz who is unwell. We started the meeting with a short AGM, the report by Dave follows.

Felixstowe Scribblers AGM
Held in The Room at the Top, Felixstowe Library
Tuesday 8th January.

1.       The Committee was re-elected unopposed and remains thus:
Dave Feakes                      Chairperson
Barry Darnell                      Secretary
Beryl Sabel                         Treasurer
Les Smith                            Social Events Organiser
Dick Bradshaw                    Record keeper
2.       Committee Reports
The Secretary’s report was short and though he would like to stand down from the post agreed to continue with some help from the Chairperson.
The Treasurer’s report showed a fairly healthy balance but it must be taken into account the amount of funds needed to cover the Library hire charges.
3.       It was agreed that, subject to Library hire charges increasing our membership fees will be:
Annual membership, November to November  £25.
Eight months membership April to November    £20.
Six months membership June to November        £15.
Meeting by meeting fee                                      £  3.
Under 16’s and guests                                       free.

4.       The Chairperson reported an upsurge in the weblog views with an increase of over 4,200 visits in the last twelve months.  December 2012 showed the highest monthly views of 1,477 with the top three countries being the UK, the USA and, incredibly, Russia.
5.       The Felixstowe Book Festival in June 2013 (see link on our weblog) is approaching rapidly. Originally we had hoped to have an anthology of some description available for sale but the cost would be prohibitive and the time limit too short to provide a quality publication. Instead it was suggested and agreed that we provide some Felixstowe Scribblers publicity leaflets and handouts for use at as many events as possible.
6.       It is confirmed that the Bloomsbury course, which we have sponsored allowing our members free admission, will be held at the Library on Saturday 15th June at 11.00 for 1-2 hours. We have a choice of a Workshop which would have a maximum of 16 participants and would last about two hours. It would consist of a general talk on how to submit, looking at a covering letter, synopsis and how to find an agent followed by exercises focused on participants novels, with feedback. The alternative would be a Talk with a 45 minute PowerPoint presentation on the pitfalls of submission followed by questions and answers. There is no limit on the number who could attend the talk. We will circulate members for their preference.
7.       Although tickets are not yet on sale for the individual events the Festival Director, Meg Reid has asked that we mention weekend passes can be purchased from now onwards at a cost of £30. These passes will entitle you to entrance to all events except for specialised food events. Early purchase will help secure writers requiring payment and to pay for publicity.
8.       Please sign up for the free e-newsletter via the Book Festival website (see the link on our weblog). This will keep you informed of all developments.
9.       It is noted that our membership attendances have generally been in decline in recent months. A suggestion has been made that we provide a regular press release in such publications as Spotlight, Felixstowe Flyer, The Town Crier, perhaps the Ipswich Star. Additionally we could contact Radio Suffolk presenters who have been so good to us in the past, Felixstowe Radio and perhaps Ipswich based Town Radio. The provision of a poster for the Library would be a valuable advertisement.
10.   Radio Felixstowe have mentioned that they may like to broadcast some of our stories. The general consensus of opinion was that many, in fact most, of our stories are suited for radio. A representative was due to attend one of our meetings prior to the Christmas break but was unable to attend.  Consequently the Chairperson will contact them directly.
11.   A suggestion was made for the Scribblers to produce an online newsletter containing our stories. This was tried about three years ago but did not have the support it needed. However our weblog does have a short story section where stories can be displayed. It was agreed that the winning Bill Budner story should be posted there. Anyone wishing to display their work should contact the Chairperson on
12.   The Bill Budner competition has really improved since introducing independent readers. Hopes are that our friends Jacky and Giles Meehan may be able to help at our next meeting. If not it may be possible to arrange for someone from the debating or public speaking societies to help. A former Scribblers member, Debbie may be a good contact.  Failing this Beryl and Dave have agreed to read out the stories. 
There being no other business the AGM was closed.

The four word exercise produced some more excellent work from our members, work produced in half an hour with some very unusual word mixtures.

In his own inimitable style Tony gave us the short story called 'The future of Mankind' and told of a long trip (1000 years) in a spaceship, the human contents of which were meant to colonise a new planet as the Earth was supposedly heading for extinction.

Rhani had BLONDE FEATURING HAGIOGRAPHY and a word which escapes me as I could not read my own writing. This was a short story five pages long, how she ever managed to write that much is a mystery to us all but in essence it was a letter sent from Dot to Gussie of the most whimsical kind on the eve of what could be her last days on earth. I imagine it to have been written on Tony's spaceship.

A short piece on a  University committee unable to decide on suitable celebrations for a 50 year celebration.

A piece concerning a young girls wish for a horse for her birthday and how, unable to afford a real one, the parents gave her a stallion.

'The horse' An amusing tale of reindeer meeting up during the year and remembering happy and sad times while on delivery duty.

Ray's story was called 'Decisions, decisions' and his words were HAIL BLURB CHARACTERISTIC and EVENTS.  This was a tale of a shy, usually retiring author and his request to read at a Book Festival

Dave had EXCORSIST BATHTUB ICE and SAXAPHONE, and gave us 'Cool Musician', a story of a detective fetched from a meal to find a murdered man in a bathtub filled with ice.

Dick's words were RELILAQUARY YOUNGSTER DISHWASHER and ANTEATER. and the story called 'Never use the zoo' Another amusing tale of a burglar and his attempt to hide looted valuables in the vet's surgery in a zoo and his foolish attempt at escape.

My words were SNIPER ASSASSIN DISHONOURED  and DAMNATION and concerned the thoughts of a police marksman as he prepared to use his skills to save a woman from harm.

As I said the exercise brought out some imaginative work from all.

The next meeting will be on the 22nd of January and will be a Bill Budner evening where we all bring along an anonymous piece of 1000 words or less on a subject of our own choice, to be read out by a person or persons as yet unknown.

See you then.
