Hope you are all well and safe after St Jude's storm earlier in the week and that you all survived the Halloween 'festivities'. With more high winds expected and also the forthcoming Bonfire night please be safe.
Our next meeting actually falls on the 5th November and am sure it will produce another collection of stories. As you will remember the 1,000 word homework surrounds either a Halloween or ghostly story or even one connected to Guy Fawkes night... it's your choice. So if you are coming along, and we really hope you do, be prepared for a scary story or two...
A reminder that annual membership of £25 is due at this meeting. Cheques should be made payable to Felixstowe Scribblers. For others normal meeting by meeting cost of £3.00 still applies. Charges have to be raised to pay for the hire of the room.
Talking of all things scary... Mr Cobbler, aka Scott, sent us this:
"For the month of November I will be growing a moustache (hopefully).
If you would like to sponsor my efforts and donate to men's health and
the fight against cancer then please follow the link.
Totally understand if you can't what with Christmas e.t.c. on the way,
but thought I would ask for your help.
If you would like to sponsor my efforts and donate to men's health and
the fight against cancer then please follow the link.
Totally understand if you can't what with Christmas e.t.c. on the way,
but thought I would ask for your help.
Until Tuesday in The Room at the Top
Keep Scribbilng