Felixstowe radio 107.5 fm/internet weds 21.00-21.30
Program 28
Sword of the Kings ch 9
Book - Su, Brackets - Becci, Sam Wunnells - David, Timothy Whiteboots -Alan
Zcshiddte ver Brainnze - Brian Eimer Deville - Sheila
Government Inspector Act 5 Anna - Ann, Mayor - Alan, Merchants - Angela/Tony,
Judge - Sheila,
Charities - Angela, Guests - Alison, Brian, Robin
The Rebel - Robin (written by Beryl Sabel)
Light - Angela (written by Jack Wilkinson)
ICR 105.7 fm/ internet fri 12.30-1300
Program 20
Sword of the Kings ch 6
Book - Becci, Brackets - Pete, Eimer Deville - Sheila, Sam Wunnells - David
Cherry Blossom - Angela, Dr. Armin Trubbell - Alan, Lophia Soren - Debbie C
Government Inspector Act 2
Khlestakov - Brian, Waitress - Angie, Mayor - Alan, Bobchinsky - Pete,
Dobchinsky - Robin
The Present - Angela (written by Beryl Sabel)
Programs 1 - 19 can be heard at Mixcloud/suffolkreadingfestival