Formed over forty years ago, our Writers Circle is based in Felixstowe, Suffolk. Meetings are held in The Room at the Top in Felixstowe Library, normally on the first and third Tuesday of each month commencing at 7.30pm and finishing by 10.00pm. Check this weblog for details of meetings.

There is an annual November to November fee of £30, April to November is £20 and June to November £15. For members preferring to pay at each meeting the charge is £5 per meeting. To contact Felixstowe Scribblers simply email or the Secretary,

Friday, 30 January 2015

Our Next Meeting

TROUBLE is coming our way! Yes our next meeting is on Tuesday 3rd February in The Room at the Top... and that's the homework assignment - up to 1,000 words on Trouble!

It sounds like an interesting topic as I'm certain we've all had some over the years, or, maybe some of us were trouble! Should be a good meeting again.

Until Tuesday...

Keep Scribbling!!!

Reminiscence Project

I've just installed an exhibition piece in Felixstowe Library - the Suffolk at Play Cube. It's the result of an intergenerational reminiscence project we ran - looking at memories of childhood games and the places people played them.

The Cube contains some postcards, inviting the public to write their own memories, and a special post box for them - I was wondering if you might be prepared to share this with the Group, in the hope that they might feel moved to share a memory of theirs.

Candida Wingate
Project Officer

Proof reading...

Scribblers members only, please remember Clive, who is unable to attend at present, has offered his services in the past to proof read. If you are interested in Clive helping, then please contact me and I will forward details on.

The following is from Amy Fox...

I'm a freelance proofreader and copyeditor and I'm writing to ask whether you would mind passing on my details to your members?

For most people - myself included! - spotting mistakes in your own work is much harder than spotting them in others', so even the best writers can still benefit from getting a professional to look over their work - especially if they are thinking of self-publishing, or submitting manuscripts to publishers. 

I have five years of experience and training from the Society for Editors and Proofreaders. If you're unsure or you're on a budget, I'm very happy for you to get in touch for an informal chat to see whether there's anything I can do to help. Just email me on

Thanks so much,

Amy Fox
Freelance writer and editor

Tuesday, 27 January 2015


Wed 28 Jan 1900-1930
Felixstowe Radio 107.5 fm or via the internet
Program 53...
Sword of the Kings by Tony Shearman
The Road Hill House Murder pt 8 by David Morrison (theme by Sarah Jane Scouten)
A Visit to the Seaside by Beryl Sabel
The Blues in New Orleans by Les Smith

Performers:- Angela Ashby, Ryan Guilder, Angela SilburnPeter GuilderAlison MillerMartin JarvisBrian England, Su Steadman, Beryl Sabel, Les Smith,


Fri 30 Jan 1230-1300
Ipswich Community Radio (ICR) 105.7 FM, or via the internet
Program 47
Sword of the Kings by Tony Shearman
The Road Hill House Murder by David Morrison
The Full Moon by Barry Martin
Performers:- Angela Silburn, Ryan Guilder, David Miller, Alan Dix, Alison Miller,
Beryl Sabel, Peter Guilder, Su Steadman, Tony Shearman, Robin Saunders

Hope you enjoy them.

Friday, 23 January 2015

Suffolk Libraries Bookfest

You  may have heard or noticed on the library website that our brand new festival is launching in March.

Suffolk Libraries Bookfest includes author talks, interviews, workshops and children's events across various libraries in Suffolk.  We are fortunate enough to be holding two events here at Felixstowe Library.  In fact we will host the first event of the festival on Friday 6 March at 6.30pm when we welcome food writer and blogger for the Daily Mail, Anne Shooter.  Tickets cost £7 and this includes a cookery demonstration.  Anne's book, Sesame and Spice is due to be published in February.  Inspired by the creation of delicious bakes in her Jewish family, Anne has used the mouthwatering ingredients of cinnamon, honey, dates, almonds, apples and pomegranates to create a wonderful selection of traditional bakes and cakes with a modern twist.

If you enjoy painting or drawing and/or are interested in the production of picture books for children why not come along to an interactive workshop on  Saturday 21 March at 2pm when we will be welcoming  children's writer and illustrator, Gillian McClure. You are asked to bring along drawing materials and a sketch book as you will get the chance to try out some ideas whilst Gillian gives an insight into the creation of picture books.  Tickets cost £5. 

To purchase tickets and find out more about Bookfest take a look here  where you'll see an exciting line up of events with authors including Simon Scarrow, Harriet Evans, Alison Weir and Erica James. Get in early - tickets have only just gone on sale.

Debra Rowe
Felixstowe Library

Meeting Report

Minutes of Scribblers meeting held on Tuesday 20 January 2015  

Present: Dave, Beryl, Dick, Cathy, Tony, Susie, Tom, Richard, Katy, Barry, Liliane, Caz

Apologies: Jane, Carolyn, Derek, Les and MairĂ©ad

There was a good turnout for the evening, despite the miserable weather, and all the work produced for the coveted Bill Budner trophy was of the usual high standard.   

Beryl and Dick did a great job reading all the entries out, and I know we all appreciate what they do.  Our thanks too to Tony for sitting alone in the corridor collating the results while the rest of us enjoyed coffee, biscuits and a natter!

The variety of topics and tales was wide, but it was Richard’s highly enjoyable story ‘Waiting’ that won the evening, and he is now the proud holder of the trophy. And deservedly so.
Beryl took second place with ‘Amber Light’, with Dave at third with ‘Shhhh’.

Tied for fourth were Tony with ‘Or not at all’, and Caz with ‘Lives Changing in a Heartbeat.'

Other entries were:

Katy                Surprise Gifts
Susie              The Apple Orchard
Dick                If only
Tom                Amy (poem)
Barry               The land of Nod


Richard:  Waiting
Fear of a hospital letter sends the recipient into panic. He changes the subject, repeatedly.
But he cannot escape his anxieties, he remembers friends who died, he wonders how it might be for him.
Still he cannot open the letter. An allegory for refusal to accept our mortality.

Beryl:  The Amber Light
Going to collect her grandchildren from school, feisty 82-year-old Carol is spotted running an amber light by a policeman. Refusing to accept that her action was unsafe she loses three points on her licence. But the children, driven home in a police car, declare her the coolest grandma ever.

Dave:  Sssh
Sharon woke hearing breaking glass – her husband wasn’t interested and slept on. What should she do? Terrified she bravely crept downstairs to investigate. Turning the kitchen door handle and switching on the light she saw the broken glass but felt someone behind her; wearing an evil mask and wielding a knife.

Tony:  Or Not At all
Was Cygnus Alpha 3 a Utopian paradise? Adam Barrett, pilot was sent as part of a crew to find out.
Were the Widerange Corporation, going to develop the world as a holiday resort for the very rich, thereby earning a fortune for themselves. Could the Talos Cult stop them?
Anger Brought disease. Death and death threats, meant death to the instigator.
You must live in peace, or not at all.

Caz:  Lives changing in a heartbeat
True life can and does, change in a heartbeat.  My full diary, turned into an empty one, due to two people.  One losing their life suddenly, another being given a terminal cancer prognosis. Yet there is always a glimmer of hope at the end of the tunnel, with a pilgrimage. 

Katy:  Surprise Gifts 
Set around a loving time of year.
Zoe, a school girl was receiving very expensive gifts from an unknown admirer, a very worrying timefor her and her family.
They discovered a shock as to who this mystery gift giver was and reasons for him doing so.

Susie:  Apple Juice
With many others, Beth stopped for a glass of apple juice at a roadside stall and went through the gate into the orchard.  Enchanted by the perfect spring sun, the peace, beauty and an irresistible contentment, they relaxed and fell asleep, not knowing that they would ever leave the orchard again. 

Dick:  If Only
Christmas Day 1914. Some British and German soldiers bravely leave their trenches to meet in no man’s land. Before being recalled to their ‘battle’ positions by their officers, they talk together, agreeing resentfully that politicians are to blame for the war; ordinary men want no part of it,

500 word online competition:  Thank you to Susie for bringing this to our attention. Just go to MashStories at and you’ll find the details on their website.

Topic for next meeting:
‘Trouble’, chosen, as is traditional, by our trophy winner, Richard. You are asked to write up to 1,000 words on this topic. The meeting is on Tuesday 3rd February.

Other News:  
Some of us have been in touch with Les who sounds very upbeat despite being confined to home for the present time. He wants to come back to Scribblers as soon as possible and sends his wishes to everyone. Amongst those who have sent wishes from afar have been Ruth and Angela.

Caz reminded us about ‘A Midsummer Night's Dream’ in the Jerwood Dancehouse at Dance East in Ipswich. One of Shakespeare’s most loved plays is brought to life with new original music by young singer/songwriter Wade Ablitt. Featuring a cast of incredible local singers, actors and musicians, this production promises to be an electric and interesting evening of original theatre. The profits from this production will all go towards the Teenage Cancer Trust in memory of Jack Wilkinson.

It takes place on Saturday 31st January with performances at 2.30 and 7.30pm. Tickets can be booked at

Until next time,

Keep Scribbling, 

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

The Bill Budner Trophy night

A nice turnout for this popular in-house competition that produced some great stories and a lovely poem too. Winner on the night was a story entitled 'Waiting' written by Richard Payne. Well done Richard, excellent work!

As an aside, Richard now holds both the Bill Budner and Jack Wilkinson Memorial trophies!

Richard with hands firmly on the cup!

Tuesday, 20 January 2015


Wed 21 Jan 1900-1930
Felixstowe Radio (FXR) 107.5 fm or via the internet
Program 52
The Sword of the Kings by Tony Shearman ...
The Road Hill House Murder pt 7 by David Morrison (theme by Sarah Jane Scouten)
Morning Sunshine by Tony Shearman

Performers: Angela Ashby, Ryan Guilder, Brian England, David Miller, Sheila Martin,
Debbie Coveney, Alan DixMartin Jarvis, Robin Saunders, Peter Guilder.

Fri 23 Jan 1230-1300
Ipswich Community Radio (ICR) 105.7 FM, or via the internet
Program 46
The Sword of the Kings by Tony Shearman
The Road Hill House Murder pt1 by David Morrison
Barth a Loner by Tony Shearman
I've decided, I think by Les Smith
Angela Silburn, Ryan Guilder, Sheila Martin, David Miller, Brian England,
Debbie Coveney, Alan Dix, Beryl Sabel, Su Steadman, Peter Guilder, Les Smith.
Hope you enjoy them
All the best

Sunday, 18 January 2015

Note from Angela and other news

A lovely message received from Angela about the Bill Budner Trophy.

Good luck to all the Scribblers taking part in this excellent competition. I had the honour to win it twice. Hearing somebody read out your work is also a good way of deciding if certain sections don't (or do) work well. 
Go for it!
Best wishes for your writing in 2015.
Angela Petch (far in body from Felixstowe, but near in spirit).

Talking of this competition, someone we should thank for their help in engraving the trophy with each winner's name is our friend Scott from Mr Cobbler. Many of you will know Scott used to attend Scribblers a number of years ago until dancing lessons, a young lady called Aimee and a wedding, baby Aiki, and all the martial arts classes he is involved in somehow stunted his writing ability! So thanks again for all you do Scott - and for the members of Scribblers, please support Scott at Mr Cobbler whenever you can.

Had a little chat with Les on the phone a couple of days ago, glad to say he sounded quite like his old self even though he will be unable to come to Scribblers for some time. Sent everyone's wishes to him.

Also bumped into Barry Darnell a few days ago and am pleased to say he is looking quite well now.

Hope to see you all on Tuesday so, until then,

Keep Scribbling!   


Saturday, 17 January 2015

In memory of Bill - Our next meeting.

Our next meeting will be held this coming Tuesday 20th January at 7.30pm in The Room at The Top. This is for the prestigious Bill Budner Trophy which Tony won way back in September.

It is high time we had another fresh name on the trophy so hopefully you will all give it a go. Remember you can write on any subject as long as your story is 1,000 words or less. Here is a little reminder about Bill, and the rules of our inhouse competition:

 The Bill Budner Trophy

Bill Budner joined Felixstowe Scribblers in August 2005 and soon afterwards registered with our online group. A really friendly and popular character, Bill made many friends at Scribblers in such a short time. His tremendous passion for writing produced many prolific words in his short stories, his mild manner and quiet voice accentuating every facet of his work.
Away from Scribblers Bill was a lay preacher and heavily involved with church affairs at St Mary's in Walton where he took over the responsibility for the parish magazine.
Bill died suddenly from a massive heart attack on Tuesday 14th February 2006 leaving his wife Maureen and family deep in shock and mourning his loss, Felixstowe Scribblers sharing their grief.
Maureen sponsored two successful writing competitions for adults and children in his memory whilst a trophy, purchased from the donation of her prize money from Belinda Janz, has become a regular and revered part of the Scribbler's programme.

This is run as an anonymous competition for attending writers only with the guidelines for The Bill Budner Trophy as follows:
Short stories or poetry up to a maximum of 1,000 words on any topic
Work must be typed (on single sides of paper)
Bill Budner joined Felixstowe Scribblers in August 2005 and soon afterwards registered with our online group. A really friendly and popular character, Bill made many friends at Scribblers in such a short time. His tremendous passion for writing produced many prolific words in his short stories, his mild manner and quiet voice accentuating every facet of his work.
Away from Scribblers Bill was a lay preacher and heavily involved with church affairs at St Mary's in Walton where he took over the responsibility for the parish magazine.
Bill died suddenly from a massive heart attack on Tuesday 14th February 2006 leaving his wife Maureen and family deep in shock and mourning his loss, Felixstowe Scribblers sharing their grief.
Maureen sponsored two successful writing competitions for adults and children in his memory whilst a trophy, purchased from the donation of her prize money from Belinda Janz, has become a regular and revered part of the Scribbler's programme.

This is run as an anonymous competition for attending writers only with the guidelines for The Bill Budner Trophy as follows:
Short stories or poetry up to a maximum of 1,000 words on any topic
Work must be typed (on single sides of paper)
Entries must be completed before arrival at the meeting
Work must be anonymous - no names or identification marks on the paper
On arrival at the meeting work will be placed face down on a designated table
Whenever possible all stories will be read by independent readers
The stories will then be read out to the group with everyone present marking their top three entries
At the end of the evening all marks will be added by a nominated adjudicator.
The winner will then be announced and the prestigious Bill Budner Trophy presented to them by the previous winner.
The trophy will then be engraved by Scott at Mr Cobbler in Felixstowe
The trophy will be held for four months until the next competition
The holder undertakes to return the trophy to Felixstowe Scribblers and advise of any change of address.

Hope to see you on Tuesday so, until then,
Keep Scribbling!

Riverside Writers

For your information here is news of the Riverside Writers who we have been in touch with for a number of years. How times can change...

Riverside Writers News 

The next meeting of Riverside Writers should take place on Monday, January 26th at 7.30pm-9.30pm, at West Kirby Library.

Please note that I recently resigned as Chair of the group, having held that role since 2003, as I'll be moving to another area of Wirral and so will not be attending the meetings anything like as often.  Therefore I felt it was only fair to stand aside and encourage someone new to help carry the group forward, along with our Secretary and Co-Treasurer, Tim Hulme, and our Treasurer, Andy Siddle.

As I will be unable to keep the group's website up-to-date with news, and as the website is a subdomain of my own website, I shall be deleting that very soon.  It will be easy enough for a group member to set up a new website.

Likewise, this emailing list and email address will soon be deleted.  If anyone wishes to keep in touch, and you're very welcome to do so, then please feel free to visit my website (link below) or find me on Facebook.  This old emailing list is huge but we've not heard anything from most of the people on it for a very long time, and so it is well overdue an overhaul anyway.  The simplest thing would be to start again with a new list of current group members, if that's what the group wishes to do.

Our two free ebooks will continue to be available for free download from the publisher's site and its various distribution channels.

I have enjoyed my time with the group, and I wish Riverside Writers all the best for the future.

Kind regards,
Adele Cosgrove-Bray.

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Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Our Next Meeting

It might be a week away but our next meeting, on Tuesday 20th January, will be for the Bill Budner Trophy.
The rules are on this weblog (above) so I hope you will all be able to come along and have a go at winning the trophy. It would be nice to see another new name added to the many who have already won before.

A note about Les. He had to go into hospital yesterday but fortunately is back at home again now.

Tony pointed out an error in the Minutes of the AGM – the figure quoted for listeners of the Suffolk Reading Festival was a combined total between ICR and FXR.

Hope to see you next week so,

Until then,

Keep Scribbling!!


Wed 14th Jan 1900-1930
Program 51
Felixstowe Radio, 107.5fm or via the internet.
The Sword of the Kings by Tony Shearman ...
The Road hill House Murder pt6 by David Morrison (Theme by kind permission of Sarah Jane Scouten)
Fire Works by Suzy Griffiths
Good and bad by Jack Wilkinson

Performers:- Angela SilburnAngela Ashby, Ryan Guilder, David Miller, Sheila MartinBrian England, Debbie Coveney,Robin Saunders, Su Steadman, Tony Shearman, Alan DixMartin Jarvis.

Fri 16th Jan 1230-1300
Program 45
Ipswich Community Radio (ICR) 105.7 FM, or via the internet
The Sword of the Kings by Tony Shearman
The Mezzotint by M R James
Torrents of Desire by Tony Shearman
Dear mum can you forgive me by RIchard Bradshaw
Performers:- Brian England, Alison Miller, Debbie Coveney, Sheila Martin,
David Miller, Ryan Guilder, Su Stedman, Tony Shearman, Robin Saunders,
Vincent Shearman, Martin Jarvis, Richard Bradshaw

Hope you enjoy them
All the best

Friday, 9 January 2015



Apologies for absence: Les, Liliane, Derek, Katy.

In Attendance: Beryl, Dick, Gerry, Carolyn, Barry, Richard, Jane, Tom, Suzy, Cathy, Tony, Caz and Dave.

The meeting commenced with thoughts for Les who is confined to home at present. There were emails from Liliane’s daughter Rani who was hoping to attend but has accommodation problems in London. From Katy who hopes to return to the fold soon and to Susan F whose work commitments have stopped her attending for some time. All are, of course, very welcome to attend whenever they can.

Secretary's Report by Caz: Our Group has continued on an even keel, with some new members coming along and then the regulars continuing to support our happy band of writers.

Our meetings have been varied with some homework being written from a word or sentence and other meetings we have used four words, jumbled up and picked out and then spent 30 minutes or so writing using those words. This is always a very interesting exercise and produces some great stores, in such a short time and is enjoyed by all concerned. It scares some initially but gets those created juices flowing and fast rate. Wonderful. 

We have had another year of fabulous writing with members old and new coming up with funny, serious, spooky, weird and evocative writing highlighted with our decision to produce an anthology specifically for launch at the Book Festival. For this I managed to secure funding from local Councillor John Goodwin which also went towards, rental, display boards (yet to be purchased) together with a personal donation in memory of Jack.

After a number of concerns over ticketing for our event at the Book Festival, we had a very successful Meet the Scribblers event along with our film The Lost Sock.

The Bill Budner Trophy The Jack Wilkinson Trophy continue to produce some wonderful creative stories that continue to show the enthusiasm within the group.

A special 'thank you' to everyone who donated coffee, sugar, tea, biscuits, cakes, chocolates etc., for our breaks and our Christmas party.

Also a 'bless you' to those who keep in touch, sometimes long distance who, although unable to attend, keep us 'in the loop' as to where they are and what they are up to. Finally  I make a special note of the work put in over the year by Beryl our Treasurer, Dick and Les (when able). Not forgetting our lovely member who collects the key each time, Liliane.  Last but by no means Dave, who never stops doing what he does best. Thank you all so very much. Our group would not survive without all the above but finally but not least of all, our fantastic members, who give us such wonderful, interesting and entertaining scribbles.

We have had a year with several members suffering with varying degrees of illness. Some of whom have ended up as hospital admissions, or just needing to have a good rest at home. I hope that the New Year will find us all fit and healthier and all able to 'bounce back' to enjoy the 
marvellous meetings we all share.

Chairman’s Report for 2014 by Dave. Personally 2014 was a year of highs and lows. Healthwise it has been abysmal with my wife at times doubled up with arthritis and with my own spells of illness I have to consider my future with Scribblers.

First things first, and I really don’t know what item should take the top spot. Maybe the success of our involvement with the Felixstowe Book Festival and the public showing of The Lost Sock stand out despite all the initial ticketing concerns. Maybe it was the efforts of our Secretary Caz who obtained substantial funding from SCC for items including our anthology and donated an amount in memory of Jack. Still outstanding is the purchase of display boards to provide informative data about our group at various local events including the Book Festival. So thanks Caz. Of course there were many members who contributed to our anthology – and many who helped check and edit the work before publication. It would have been an impossible task without you all!  As an aside... after each of our last two anthologies I had a heart attack... so count me out of any future issues!

Over the past we have produced summaries of stories read out at our meetings in the meeting reports but, regretfully I can no longer do this but thank everyone for giving me their support in the past.

Membership always appears to be healthy and yet towards the end of the year attendances dropped dangerously low. As with similar groups to ours, new faces appear and then fall by the wayside. A writing group such as ours serves a purpose in helping writers with creativity and perhaps move them on to the next level. For some, our meetings don’t include enough in depth information about publication, finding agents or being the font of all knowledge nor being professional enough. Whilst it would be good to add these things to our itinery I don’t think any of us are sufficiently qualified to provide the answers to so many needs.

We are blessed with some excellent writers in our midst and two younger talents who both came to the fore in their short stays should have a very healthy future in writing. Sadly these two, Aidan and Hattie have moved to pastures new so we wish them every success in their chosen careers.

Of course I must end by saying thank you to everyone who has helped make the Scribblers what it is, that is you, the members, our committee, everyone who helped us along the way. To Maureen Budner for providing a new trophy in memory of her husband Bill, to Caz for providing a trophy in memory of her son Jack. To everyone who helped with the anthology, Book Festival and, importantly not forgetting Liliane for collecting the key on a regular basis. Then there are those who have brought along ‘refreshments and goodies’ which are always well received! Thankyou to everyone.

I must wish all those who are suffering from poor health and other problems every good wish for a recovery in this New Year.

Finally 2014 generally shows us an ageing group and we must be prepared to see some loyal members drop by the wayside in the future. We need to plan to overcome this even if it means ‘advertising’. Few youngsters seem interested in coming along so the conundrum is, how do we plan for the future?

Treasurer’s Reports on 2014 by Beryl. It is nice to be able to report a healthier financial position than the previous year. The anthology was successful and – with the help afforded by Caz in providing funding and her personal donation – it did remarkably well.  The annual subscriptions now increased to £30 should meet the cost of our accommodation this year, subject to any increase in rental.

Ratification of existing committee. We have two resignations from the Committee, Dick and Caz who steps down from the post of Secretary, whilst Les is sadly not in a position to continue. Beryl remains as Treasurer and Dave continues as Chairman.
First and foremost we would like to thank each and every one stepping down from their posts, for their great support and hard work they have put in, often behind the scenes. Their places on the committee will be sorely missed. Having said that the offer to take on the position of Secretary by Cathy, nominated by Caz, seconded by Dick, was unanimously accepted, so a warm welcome to Cathy! Additionally, since the AGM was completed, Caz has agreed to stay on the committee but with no current responsibilities. There were no other additions to the Committee although promises were given by others to assist as necessary. This means our new committee is:

Dave Feakes Chairman
Cathy Stafford Secretary
Beryl Sabel Treasurer
Caz Wilkinson.

      Weblog Report by Dave A generally successful year with overall views up 6,000 on last year reaching an overall total of 65,618 since we began in July 2010. We have seen a year on year increase but 2014 showing the biggest increase of all. The top three nations to visit our site are, obviously, the UK then the USA and Germany.

Facebook Report by Barry There are small numbers following the Felixstowe Scribblers Facebook page but, as the content is usually a quick cut and paste job, I am happy to continue running it.

Felixstowe and ICRadio Broadcast Report by Tony
What was expected to be a short term venture has moved on and Tony has just recorded the 50th programme since he began in September 2013. From ICR figures, some 375,000 listened to the broadcasts on both ICR and Felixstowe Radio in 2014. It is possible to hear old broadcasts via the Internet by going to and typing Suffolk Reading Festival into the search box.

Structure of Meetings
      The general consensus of opinion is that we achieved all we planned to in 2014 and that everyone felt happy with the structure of the meetings with a balance in variety of subjects.
Items that we adopted from the last AGM were to draw names out of a hat to select the next reader of homework and then to allow a maximum 2 minute feedback whenever possible.
      On the subject of feedback/critiquing, sometimes it is difficult to hear a story and give valid comments in such a short time – for a number of years we have said that some members would be willing to give comments providing they have either a hard or email copy of the work that can be read at home.
      We still have the short story section on the weblog where your stories can be posted if you wish.    
      Homework for future meetings could include a ‘Genres’ theme and possibly ‘consequences’ in building a character and writing about them.
      In view of the fact that prĂ©cised work will no longer be done due to time constraints, it was agreed that all writers can provide by email a 50 word summary of their work by midday on Thursday following the meeting. Only those summaries will be included in the meeting reports.
Felixstowe Book Festival 2015 Saturday Dave is to clarify the position over the Scribblers involvement in this year’s festival. We are ‘programmed’ on Saturday 28th June from 5-7pm but the organiser, Meg Reid wants to have some other activities next year involving our group. She has a cafe/ bookshop space dedicated to the Festival at the Orwell. The AGM suggested that if we had a table and provided display boards and publicity etc at the Orwell then this could be the Meet The Scribblers event. It has also been suggested that one of our members could read one story say on the hour every hour for a limited period of time during the day. We could also provide a ‘four word’ creative writing session for visitors to join in. The Scribblers unanimously declined the Saturday evening at the Library.  

Planning for the future We have to be aware that attendances fluctuate and that some ‘senior’ members will not always be able to attend. In an effort to increase a younger membership we can do this by advertising on our display boards, placing them for agreed periods of time in local libraries, business premises, (Co-op was mentioned) at The  Book Festival and other such events. We could also advertise a ‘New Members (or talent)’ evening. These items will be further discussed at Committee level in due course.  
Jane says she will ask Ruth (Dugdall) if she can would give a talk to Scribblers to coincide with Ruth’s booklaunch.
      It was decided that in future our AGM will be held on the first meeting of November when all membership fees will be due. This means a slight alteration to our programme and an amended copy is appended below. The full programme is also available on our weblog.

Social Events In view of the low turnout for the last two social events held at this time of year, it was decided to wait until later in the year. Barry also mentioned that he offered to organise a
barbeque at his but unfortunately no arrangements were made by our group.

Any Other Business. There being no other business the AGM was closed.

Our Next Meeting: Taking place on 20th January in our usual ‘home’ in The Room at the Top, is the first of the 2015 competitions for The Bill Budner Trophy. The same rules will apply as usual, that is, up to 1,000 words on any subject. Your entry should be typed and should not contain any reference to the author of the work. Full details are available at the head of the weblog.


AGM then short 4 word creative writing exercise
Bill Budner Trophy

1,000 word homework 
Children’s story for the Jack Wilkinson Trophy

1,000 word homework
4 word creative writing exercise

1,000 word homework
1,000 word historical homework

1,000 word homework
Bill Budner Trophy

1,000 word homework
Photographic writing exercise
Felixstowe Book Festival
Felixstowe Book Festival

1,000 word homework
1,000 word geographical homework

1,000 word homework
Children’s story for the Jack Wilkinson Trophy

1,000 word homework
Bill Budner Trophy

1,000 word homework
Four word creative writing exercise

2015 Annual General Meeting
1,000 word Ghost homework

1,000 word homework
Creative writing exercise followed by Xmas party

Tuesday, 6 January 2015


Our AGM was well attended and many different aspects of the agenda were discussed. Our secretary Caz and committeemen Dick and Les have stood down and, for the time being our committee will remain with three members with a new Secretary, Cathy, whilst our Treasurer Beryl remains in post. Dave remains as chairman at present although health issues may mean an early retirement from his post.

The minutes of the AGM will be forwarded to Scribblers members in due course.

Bristol Short Story Competition

The 2015 Bristol Short Story Prize has opened for entries and we are sending you details
just in case any of your writing group members may be interested.

To celebrate our new competition Kindle versions of our anthologies, including the lastest,
are on special offer at £0.99p each! Please click here to visit our page on

Here are some details of the 2015 Bristol Short Story Prize:

2015 Bristol Short Story Prize is open to all published and unpublished, non-UK and UK based writers over 16 years of age.
Stories can be on any theme or subject and
entry can be made online via the website or by
post. Entries must be previously unpublished
with a maximum length of 4,000 words (There is no minimum). The
entry fee is £8 per story.
The closing date for entries is midnight (BST) April 30th 2015.

1st £1000 plus £150 Waterstone’s gift card (usable online worldwide)
2nd £700 plus £100 Waterstone’s gift card
3rd £400 plus £100 Waterstone’s gift card
17 further prizes of £100 will be presented to the writers
whose stories appear on the shortlist. All 20 shortlisted
writers will have their stories published in the Bristol Short
Story Prize Anthology Volume 8.

The 20 shortlisted writers will be invited to an awards ceremony
in Bristol in October 2015 when the winners will be announced and the anthology launched.
Prizes will be sent to any writer unable to attend the awards ceremony.

Judging panel :
Sara Davies (writer, former BBC Radio 4 producer) Rowan Lawton (literary agent at Furniss Lawton),
Sanjida O’Connell (writer and TV presenter) and Nikesh Shukla (author, performer and journalist) 

Full details and rules at

Please don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions

Many thanks

Joe Melia
Bristol Short Story Prize Co-ordinator
Tel: 07708 095414

Bristol Short Story Prize Ltd.:
Unit 5.16 Paintworks Bath Road Bristol BS4 3EH

Registered in England and Wales 
Registered Number: 6625768
Registered Address: 86 Shirehampton Road Stoke Bishop Bristol BS9 2DR

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Wed 7th Jan 1900-1930
Felixstowe Radio, 107.5fm or via the internet.
Program 50
The Sword of the Kings by Tony Shearman ...
The Road Hill House Murder pt 5 by David Morrison (Theme by kind permission of Sarah Jane Scouten).
A Voice in Her Head by Dave Feakes
Hydrozoid by Jack Wilkinson

Performers: Angela Silburn,Ryan Guilder, Alison Miller, David Miller, Peter Guilder,
Alan DixSheila MartinBrian England, Robin Saunders, Tony Shearman
Su Steadman, Debbie Coveney

Fri 9th Jan 1230-1300
Ipswich Community Radio (ICR) 105.7 FM, or via the internet
Program 44
The Sword of the Kings by Tony Shearman
The Mezzotint pt 2 by M R James
Methala by Tony Shearman
Performers: Brian England, Alison Miller, Debbie Coveney, Martin Jarvis, David Miller, Angie Silburn, Sheila Martin, Robin Saunders, Su Steadman, Tony Shearman.
Hope you enjoy them.
Cheers All

Monday, 5 January 2015


Don't forget... first meeting of the year tomorrow (TUESDAY 6th JANUARY)... our AGM followed, if there is time, by a short creative writing session... Meeting starts at 7.30pm so please try and arrive in good time.

Until then...

Keep Scribbling!!

Saturday, 3 January 2015

Our Next Meeting will be the

At 7.30 PM on TUESDAY 6th JANUARY 2015

Hoping the agenda isn't too long but I think it should go smoothly towards providing a solid foundation for our group to help improve attendances. It will give you all the opportunity to discuss your opinions and suggestions about the Scribblers.


1.    Apologies for absence
2.    In Attendance
3.    Secretary's, Chairperson’s and Treasurer’s Reports on 2014
4.    Ratification of existing committee and or election of new officers
5.    Weblog Report/Facebook Report
6.    Structure of Meetings
7.    Felixstowe Book Festival 2015
8.    Planning for the future
9.    Social Events
10.  Felixstowe and ICRadio Broadcasts
11.  Any Other Business

Hope to see you on Tuesday
Keep Scribbling