Hope you have all enjoyed some of the brilliant weather we have been blessed with recently.
Good news for Caz... she is a Nannie once again... Congratulations!
Things have been quiet on the Scribblers front since our last meeting. I've noticed that our weblog figures for this month are quite a bit down on recent figures but I think a lot may be to do with the weather and the start of the holiday season.
The main reason for this email is to remind you all that our next meeting is on Tuesday next 4th August at 7.30pm in The Room at the Top. The homework assignment is to write up to 1,000 words on 'Coach' which should be another interesting subject. Reminds me that Morag, one of our former members who is now unable to attend because of work commitments, has finished her new novel 'The Coach Trip' after, she tells me, seven years! Hopefully she will find a reliable publisher to help her on her way to success. Good luck Morag.
Hope to see you on Tuesday so, until then...
Keep Scribbling!!!
Details of a new competition are shown below.
Chorley & District Writers’ Circle launch their annual short story competition with prizes totalling £180. The theme this year is a little bit different: ‘Chaos in Lancashire’. We are looking for a setting in or strong connection to any part of Lancashire.