What a terribly disappointing night with the lowest attendance since I joined way back in last century. Just five of us and especially upsetting for Dick who has masterminded the historical and geographical homework meetings for a number of years.
With changing membership, lack of time and perhaps interest in research, we may need to look at the structure of future meetings. There have always been opportunities to voice opinions on our programme content and if they need to be altered or changed then so be it.
I have learned that two of our members are now unable to attend regularly and that might also mean an alteration to the make-up of our committee which could not have come at a worse time with the approach of the Book Festival. Some had other commitments tonight, a holiday whilst Cathy's husband was admitted to hospital. Despite the disappointing turn out, circumstances obviously played a big part.
The meeting itself had five excellent works each on a different era and therefore so very different from each other. Dave also shared some of his railway memories, (written for another group).
All in all we had a very small but nonetheless interesting gathering.
Next time the homework is set as 'Felixstowe' be it a true story, or fiction, the choice is yours. The object of this homework is to prepare for the Book Festival with some of the work either being read out or included on our display boards at the Orwell. Possibly even both! The meeting is in two weeks time on Tuesday 3rd May.
Hope to see you there...
Keep Scribbling!!!
The Scribe.