Where has the time gone? Despite an extra week's 'rest' our next meeting is fast approaching. It is this coming Tuesday 6th June when Mairead will present a sample of her novel for feedback. For everyone else the homework assignment is to write up to 1,000 words on 'Unrequited Love.' If the subject doesn't appeal then you may bring in something more to your taste as long as it maintains the word limit. The meeting will start at 7.30.
Our anthology will be delivered to the printers tomorrow (Monday) so hopefully everything will be fine. It will be slightly larger than intended with 90 pages including stories and poems from twenty-five current and former scribblers with some really good work included. I will be taking advice from Gipping Press on the cover design so the final format has yet to be agreed. Hopefully I'll have the answer tomorrow!
It has been a long haul getting to this point and thanks go to Beryl for helping with checking the stories over for any glaring errors...
Hope to see you all at Scribblers on Tuesday, so, until then...
Keep Scribbling!