How time flies by. Already we are approaching Jack's memorial meeting. Our thoughts are with Caz and Karl at this time.
For those who don't know about Jack, then you find some information on our weblog, and also the rules of the in house competition for those of us who attend. The competition is for stories of a maximum of 1,000 words for or about children. The meeting takes place on Tuesday 15th August here in The Room at the Top. It's a 7.30 start time so hopefully we'll all be there in good time.
It was eleven years ago yesterday that Jack passed away so I am certain we will all have a special reason to honour his memory.
Some of you may know that our Hon. President, Ruth has departed across the pond to the San Francisco area so we wish her well on her stay there. We all wish her and her family every best wish for her coming adventures Stateside and doubtless a Californian based thriller will follow! Good luck Ruth.
Until Tuesday,
Keep Scribbling!!!