Our next meeting is almost upon us. It is this Tuesday, 1st May, when we hold our in-house competition for The Bill Budner Trophy in honour of our former member who died suddenly in 2006. and ever since then we have held this prestigious competition. The rules are simple, all entries must be no more than 1,000 words in length but can be on any subject. Each entry must be typed on one side of the paper only but must not contain your name or any identifying marks.
The meeting will start at 7.30 when the door will be locked so please try and arrive in good time.
A couple of questions: Is there any interest in updating the Facebook page otherwise it will soon be finalised and removed.
Has there been any further information and interest in providing poetry for the Dementia Week?
Tony's book launch will take place in the Library on Saturday 19th May - full details will be at Scribblers on Tuesday.
Until Tuesday:-
Keep Scribbling!!!