There were some terrific tales from the past this evening with a wide range of subjects. Each and every one of them were attention getters and most gleaned some amazing facts. Never let it be said that the Scribblers are ever beaten in the challenges the homework assignments set.
The meeting opened with comments about the banking situation that our bank needs to sort very quickly. We have our bill for room rental for which we are, apparently, unable to provide payment because of the ongoing signatory farce. We still await a reply to the details of the date way back in 2014 when the forms were filled in at the bank and handed to a member of staff.
The anthology is taking shape, slowly but surely. Hopefully the editing team will get together next week to oversee the progress.
Our next meeting is in THREE weeks time on 6th May when we hold another Bill Budner Trophy competition. Rules are shown at the top of our weblog. The meeting will begin at 7.30.
Keep Scribbling!!!