Formed over forty years ago, our Writers Circle is based in Felixstowe, Suffolk. Meetings are held in The Room at the Top in Felixstowe Library, normally on the first and third Tuesday of each month commencing at 7.30pm and finishing by 10.00pm. Check this weblog for details of meetings.

There is an annual November to November fee of £30, April to November is £20 and June to November £15. For members preferring to pay at each meeting the charge is £5 per meeting. To contact Felixstowe Scribblers simply email or the Secretary,

Tuesday, 29 October 2019

No meeting today!

Not that you really need reminding, but, to be certain, please note that there is no meeting this evening. 

Our next meeting is on Tuesday 5th November when we will hold the competition for the Mairead Reidy Crystal Ball Award for the spookiest, scariest story you can write. Normal competition rules will apply but with a maximum of 750 words please.

Until then,

Keep Scribbling!!!

Friday, 18 October 2019

Meeting Report.

Minutes of Scribblers meeting held on 15 October 2019

Dave, Liliane, David, Carole, Georgina, Jim, Martin, Stephen, Liz, Justin, Jane, Derek, Kay, Jane B, Cathy
Beryl, Steve, Tony, Arlette

Writeathon – continuing – seems that a good story is unfolding

HSBC – Dave, Beryl and Cathy have meeting at Barclays on 8 November and hope to open an account there for the group. If we don’t get the issue resolved by mid-December, our funds will be frozen at HSBC, and we won’t be able to access them.

Felixstowe Book Festival 2020 – since the meeting, Cathy has spoken to Florence Cox of Felixstowe CafĂ© Poets, and she is on board with all three groups working together for the FBF

No homework, but fourteen entries for the Bill Budner competition!
In Beryl’s absence, Kay joined Cathy as reader for the session – many thanks to her for that. The variety and quality of competition entries truly surpassed all expectations, and judging at the end was extremely difficult. As usual, most of us tried to guess who had written which piece – and this evening we mostly failed abysmally! It was as if every writer had deliberately changed their style, voice, and favoured topics; the results were amazing.

Jane Bailey came a very well deserved first with ‘Breaking the Silence’

Martin was next with ‘Monkey’

New member Jane Hutton took third place with ‘Singing for health’

Other entries were:
Derek – You will not see Christmas

Justin – Do not pass go

Carole – Decluttering

David – The Lighthouse

Kay – Death in the morning

Jim – Wallis

Liliane – Fatal inheritance

Dave – Young and stupid

Cathy – Sailing the Silk Road

Georgina – Reservations

Liz – Mind the gap

Next meeting: 
5 November (NOTE – THREE WEEKS AWAY). 
Another competition – this one the spooky/magic/Halloween story for the crystal ball trophy in memory of Mairead. Shorter stories this time – 750 words maximum. Work to be printed on one side only, with no identifying details on, and in a font size no smaller than 12. Pages stapled/paper clipped together. Entries to placed face down on the table. Entries will be read out by two readers for judging by members.  

Tuesday, 15 October 2019

What a night!!!

The Bill Budner Trophy remains as popular as ever, but the competition this evening saw the largest entry in its history.

Fifteen people attended, fourteen entered and, from the very first story we all knew we were in for a brilliant night. There was a concern when Beryl, one of our two readers was unable to attend because of illness. Cathy made a plea for someone to step in and read half of the entries and there couldn't have been anyone better than Kay. Thanks to both Kay and Cathy for a superlative job reading around 14,000 words between them.

The consequence of so many entries meant the totting up of the votes didn't start until around 9.45 but, fortunately, there were no problems as the top three stories gained the most support.

Then came the results, in reverse order:

In third place, with her entry "Singing for Health" was one of our newest members, Jane H.
Runner-up, with his entry "Monkey" was Martin who recently rejoined after a lengthy absence.
The deserved winner with her entry "Breaking the Silence" was Jane B who was attending her first meeting for some time. Jane is making a habit of winning this trophy, this being the fourth deserved victory.

Well done to not only our top three, but also to every other writer who produced work worthy of winning and made this probably the highest standard of entries we have ever had. As the only non-entrant said, "These stories are worthy of being broadcast on the BBC."

Maybe its time for a podcast or something along those lines!

Our next meeting, in three weeks time, is on 5th November when we hold another competition, this for the Mairead Reidy Crystal Ball Award for a story with a supernatural flavour to honour Mairead's love of all things ghostly and mystical. We, who knew her so well, all miss her terribly and this is a terrific way to honour her memory.

We do ask that your stories are between approximately 500 words and a maximum of 750 words. Bearing in mind how long it took to read out the entries tonight, a reduction in the word count is necessary. We ask that you include your word count at the top of your entry alongside the title but please, no identification marks at all. Also we ask that you use a minimum size font of 12 to make it easier for the readers. Thanking you for your co-operation.

Until next time,

Keep Scribbling!!!


Friday, 11 October 2019

The Bill Budner Trophy

Recently Justin kindly sent me the following link to an interesting website that you might enjoy. It features regular competitions and can be found at .

Our banking problems have taken a step forward and hopefully will be resolved within the next month. That will be a weight off our shoulders after all the previous hassles we have had with our current bank who have just told us to comply and reregister both our accounts and signatories or we will be locked out and denied access to our funds - once again. That bank has a distinct lack of understanding customer service.

On a happier note our committee has appointed a new member, Georgina and we had a full meeting earlier this week to discuss and prepare for the AGM next month. Let's just say for now that we are looking to a progressive and positive future.

Coming up on Tuesday next, 15 October, is the Bill Budner Trophy. This is, of course, open to all attending members of Scribblers. It is always worth reminding ourselves of the significance of the Trophy. Bill joined in 2005 and was sadly with us for only six months before a massive heart attack took him away. A lay preacher, Bill was a terrific writer, mild mannered and full of fun. A great loss to his family, his church and his friends here at Scribblers, it is a privilege to continue honouring his memory with the competition.

The rules may soon alter, but, essentially, each entry should be a minimum length and complete short story of 750 words but with an upper limit of 1,000. Entries should be typed using a font size no smaller than 12. There must be no identifying marks on the entries that should be laid face down on the competition table. Good luck to everyone who enters!

Remember, the meeting is due to commence at 7.30 when the door will be locked for security purposes.

Hope to see you on Tuesday, meanwhile enjoy the weather if you can, have a good weekend but remember to:

Keep Scribbling!!!

Thursday, 3 October 2019

Meeting report

Minutes of Scribblers meeting held on 1 October 2019


Dave, Tony, Liliane, David, Carole, Georgina, Jim, Martin, Stephen, Liz, Justin, Jane, Arlette, Georgina, Cathy


Anne, Derek, Hazel, Tom, Steve, Beryl, Kay            


Ebook – currently on hold, but Dave will be working on it in the near future

Writeathon – about half the members taking part have now completed their section

‘Scribblers’ mugs – Dave waiting to hear from Scott about costing etc

HSBC – still frustrating ongoing issues with the bank. We are considering moving our account to the TSB – Beryl will update the committee about details

Felixstowe Book Festival 2020 – Meg Reid spoke to Cathy about Scribblers, OWL and the Felixstowe CafĂ© Poets joining forces and having earlier input into the plans for the festival – good news

Reading of homework:

May Day being the theme/topic, we were bound to have a real variety of interpretations – and we did!

Arlette – May Day

Jane – A matter of wife or death

Tony – Distraction burglary?

Steve – May 2nd

Jim – May Day

Justin – Self portrait with a damaged ear, by Van Gogh

Georgina – The May Day dance

Carole – The final straw

Rani – excerpt from her novel in progress

Martin – Adaptation from another source

Liliane – May Day                                                                          

Dave – Stranger in the air

Liz – The Beltane festival

Next Meeting: 15 October. This is a competition night for the Bill Budner Trophy. Stories up to 1,000 words on a topic of the writer’s choice. Work to be printed with no identifying details on, and in a font size no smaller than 12. Pages stapled/[a[er clipped together. Entries to be placed face down on the competition table. Entries will be read out by two readers for judging by members.

Tuesday, 1 October 2019

Despite the weather...

A fantastic turnout on such an abysmally stormy night! With an attendance of fifteen we were guaranteed at least one good story... in fact every single one was fantastic. It really was another of the Scribblers evenings of success.

Briefly mentioned were the Writeathon, the e-book, a supply of mugs and the banking situation with HSBC raising its ugly head again. This time, as we should have done originally, Beryl is investigating changing banks. Watch this space.

Please note that Georgina has been co-opted onto the committee which is due to meet in the very near future. Many things to discuss before the AGM in about six weeks time.

Our next meeting on 15th October will be the Bill Budner Memorial Trophy. Up to 1,000 words on any subject - typed entries only and using a minimum size 12 font or above. No identification marks on the entries which will be read by two nominated members. All the information on entry can be found at the top of this weblog.

Until next time,

Keep Scribbling!!!