of Scribblers meeting held on 1 October 2019
Dave, Tony, Liliane,
David, Carole, Georgina, Jim, Martin, Stephen, Liz, Justin, Jane, Arlette,
Georgina, Cathy
Anne, Derek,
Hazel, Tom, Steve, Beryl, Kay
Ebook – currently on hold,
but Dave will be working on it in the near future
Writeathon – about half
the members taking part have now completed their section
‘Scribblers’ mugs – Dave
waiting to hear from Scott about costing etc
HSBC – still frustrating
ongoing issues with the bank. We are considering moving our account to the TSB
– Beryl will update the committee about details
Felixstowe Book Festival
2020 – Meg Reid spoke to Cathy about Scribblers, OWL and the Felixstowe CafĂ©
Poets joining forces and having earlier input into the plans for the festival –
good news
of homework:
May Day being the
theme/topic, we were bound to have a real variety of interpretations – and we
Arlette – May Day
Jane – A matter of wife or
Tony – Distraction
Steve – May 2nd
Jim – May Day
Justin – Self portrait
with a damaged ear, by Van Gogh
Georgina – The May Day
Carole – The final straw
Rani – excerpt from her
novel in progress
Martin – Adaptation from
another source
Liliane – May
Dave – Stranger in the air
Liz – The Beltane festival
Next Meeting: 15 October. This is a competition night for the Bill Budner Trophy.
Stories up to 1,000 words on a topic of the writer’s choice. Work to be printed
with no identifying details on, and in a font size no smaller than 12. Pages
stapled/[a[er clipped together. Entries to be placed face down on the
competition table. Entries will be read out by two readers for judging by