Formed over forty years ago, our Writers Circle is based in Felixstowe, Suffolk. Meetings are held in The Room at the Top in Felixstowe Library, normally on the first and third Tuesday of each month commencing at 7.30pm and finishing by 10.00pm. Check this weblog for details of meetings.

There is an annual November to November fee of £30, April to November is £20 and June to November £15. For members preferring to pay at each meeting the charge is £5 per meeting. To contact Felixstowe Scribblers simply email or the Secretary,

Saturday, 18 January 2020

Meeting Report

Minutes of Scribblers meeting held on 07 January 2020


Dave, Liliane, Georgina, Martyn, Stephen, Jane H, Kay, Tony, Arlette, Cathy, Suzy, Justin, Steve, David, Carole, Beryl, Barry, Tom, Jim, and new member Glynis


Derek, Mary, Liz, Rani


Dave welcomed us all to the first meeting of the new year. It was good to welcome a new member, and to see Barry again on one of his relatively rare visits.

Welcoming our newest member – we all introduced ourselves and gave very brief comment on our writing interests.

Writeathon – has been completed and circulated. The consensus of opinion was that with so many writers involved, it made it hard to create a totally cohesive story. However, we did agree that it had been fun and challenging – maybe learn from this and do things slightly differently next time.

Derek’s partner Sue is recovering well – what good news!

Ruth has contacted Dave to apologise for the fact that the new monthly Book Club she is involved with will clash with the first Scribblers’ meeting each month.

Readings of homework:

The theme was ‘Danger: keep out’ – some excellent stories, and almost everyone had remembered to note the word count for their piece.

Steve – Danger: keep out – 683

Suzy – Danger: keep out – 669

Jane H – Danger: stay in – 693

Steven – Danger: keep out

Carole – The last hurrah – 749

Dave – Dangerous assignment – 741

Liliane – A sense of something evil

Martyn – Hotel – 730

David – Uranium half light – 542

Barry – Danger: keep out – 650

Justin – Dinosaur – 748

Beryl – Going home – 748

Arlette – Danger: keep out

Jim – Someone she used to know

Tony – an excerpt from his book – 734

Next meeting:

 21 January. No homework, as at this meeting we will be enjoying a flash fiction session, using word prompts. Don’t forget to bring writing implements!!