Minutes of Scribblers meeting held on 18 February 2020
Liliane, Georgina, Martyn, Jane H, Kay, Arlette, Cathy, Justin, David, Carole, Jim
Dave, Beryl, Glynis, Derek
There were no business items to attend to, but the group sent their best wishes to Dave, who is currently unwell.
After a late start to the meeting (issues with security codes/access etc), we settled down to hear the entries for the Jack Wilkinson trophy competition, with six entries for a story about children. We always say how varied these competition stories are, and this evening was no exception. Kay and Cathy did the reading.
Jim kindly took on the task of collating the votes at the end, and the winners were as follows:
First place went to Carole with her story ‘The unforeseen perils of appendicitis’ , 742 words
Next was Georgina, taking second place with ‘Full circle’, 698 words
Finally, Liliane took third place with ‘Katy’, 749 words
The remaining stories tied for fourth place – rather unusual!
Jane – Nature, 750 words
Martyn – Friends, 655 words
Justin - ‘Reading the rain’, 746 words
After Jim had presented Carole with the trophy, and the usual photos had been taken, we settled down for chat, coffee and cake – and our thanks must go to Georgina for the delicious flapjack she baked for us.
The meeting finished unusually early, and there could have been opportunity for a short exercise had we wished to do one, but everyone agreed that they were happy to head home.
Next meeting: 3 March, when the homework theme is ‘Fame’ – maximum of 750 words