Formed over forty years ago, our Writers Circle is based in Felixstowe, Suffolk. Meetings are held in The Room at the Top in Felixstowe Library, normally on the first and third Tuesday of each month commencing at 7.30pm and finishing by 10.00pm. Check this weblog for details of meetings.

There is an annual November to November fee of £30, April to November is £20 and June to November £15. For members preferring to pay at each meeting the charge is £5 per meeting. To contact Felixstowe Scribblers simply email or the Secretary,

Tuesday, 31 March 2020

Lockdown - so let's start writing again...

I hope, sincerely, that you are all keeping well and clear of this awful virus. It appears from government sources that things will get worse before they get better. It is essential we follow the guidelines and remain in lockdown despite how it makes us feel, by frequently washing hands and practising social distancing whenever we have to collect food supplies etc.

No, I’m not preaching, but like so many of us we have friends and family working in the NHS and other vital services. Let’s try and help them… so be good!

For those who do not, or cannot work, how are you spending your time in the confines of your home?

Like you, Felixstowe Scribblers have felt the shock of the situation and especially by being unable to meet during this crisis, but we survive!

From now we will be suggesting writing assignments and although we are unable to share them in our group meetings, we can at least do so online. We have set up a page on our weblog for “The story of the week” which will start in earnest once your stories have started rolling in. Please send them to and, with your permission, the best will be posted for one week then replaced by  another. So please regularly check the weblog at

A story of the week has already been posted, it's from our friend Chris from Cairns in Australia and was received this morning. It is longer than we would normally wish to post but its a starter and its one you will enjoy.

All stories submitted will be securely stored until we have found a password protected site where we can post them all without fear of access by the general public. Watch this space for details.

Also, Justin suggested, then set up a WhatsApp group that is available for all members who have the app. If you don’t then you can still join in by sending your work to

Currently the themes are, for the main assignments, 500-750 words on “TRAPPED” preferably before Easter and no later than 14th April.

The theme for the WhatsApp group is for up to 100 words on “Ready, steady…go” and members of the group can post directly onto the site. The theme changes quite quickly but that doesn’t matter, just post your one hundred worders as soon as you can. 

What is very important is to get back into the routine of writing. Remember, Felixstowe Scribblers have so much talent – and that’s all of you – so we don’t want to see that go to waste do we?

Other competitions are posted on both our weblog and the WhatsApp page whilst there are many other competitions and literary help sites easily found all over Facebook and the Internet. Too many to list here!

Don’t forget the email I sent round on 20 March with ideas and suggestions under the title “Ideas to pass the time of day/days/weeks/months." I can resend it if need be but it would be good to have some feedback from you on its content please.

Hoping to see some of your work in the very near future,

Keep Scribbling and stay safe and healthy.


Thursday, 26 March 2020

Get Those Marigolds On!

Hi Scribblers

This one really is a flash!
Check out the link below for information about, and how to enter, your 'washing-up' related story!
It's got to be quick.
You've got just fifty words, and five days!
Write your story about washing up- for the chance to win....
A Mug! (A mug that says 'Go Away I'm Writing' to be more specific.)
No entry fee; just click on the link and submit your soapy story.

Free Writing Tips Resource- While you're stuck at home

Hello Scribblers

The People at Curtis Brown Creative are offering a free opportunity:

Weekly Writing Workout

While we’re all in this stuck-at-home moment, we’re going to give you a FREE writing lesson per week – you can sign-up at any point to start receiving our Weekly Writing Workout directly into your inbox. This will give you access to weekly teaching notes on topics that we think are useful to writers, and there’ll be a weekly writing exercise for you to have a go at – something to get your creative juices flowing and to let you try out the different ideas and techniques we’ll be covering. 
Follow the link below to find out more

A Prompt for your Creativity

Hello Scribblers
I hope everyone is coping and keeping safe and well.

I wanted to share something that I have found helpful in the last few days.
I have found it difficult to concentrate on writing, my brain cannot focus. But I have been given some writing prompts and techniques that I have found invaluable, and I thought I would pass them on.

It involves gathering three boooks- any really- but the suggestion is one novel, one poetry and one non-fiction.

Pick out some words from these books- choose a random page and pick out a verb from each book, a noun from each book, a word or phrase relating to the senses (smell, sight, taste, touch), a word or phrase relating to movement, an object, a word that sings to you, a word that makes you uneasy.
Keep picking out words that you are drawn to until you have a list of ten from each book.

Don't write straight away, but sit and dwell on your list, don't think, just let the words mingle in your mind.

Come back to the list in a while, and start writing, using the first word that grabs you. Just write, don't think.
As the inspiration from this prompt dries up, move on to the next word that sparks the story to continue. You don't have to use them all, but keep revisiting the list if the momentum slows.

These words will have been brewing in your mind. Playing with each other in your subconscious.

I tried this yesterday. I was really pleased with my story!
It was rough, rushed and in need of edit, but I'm so glad I did it- my mind felt refreshed by the exercise.
Please let me know if you give it a go.

Keep Scribbling!

Sunday, 22 March 2020

BBC Opportunity

This is timely, with another short deadline- but sounds very interesting, and a break from the norm.

The BBC are looking for original short-form scripts, between 5-10mins whose 2-4 characters now find themselves in isolation, but connecting via video conferencing.

Follow the link below for more details- but they are looking for: Scripts that are compelling and hook us in. Ideas that have warmth and spirit, that astonish, amuse or enlighten us. They should be set now or in the near future. 
Deadline: 30th March. Pay: £300

Retreat West Competition Deadline 29th March

Hello Scribblers

For those of you looking for competition opportunities, Retreat West have some options.
The next deadline is quite tight- but they also have details of their next three quarterly competition themes. Use the link below to look at their website, find out more about the competition rules and charges for entry.
They also have past winners' entries to read, which is great for honing your own skills.

Retreat West: Themed Flash Fiction Competition

For their 2020 themes, Retreat West have guest judges for each quarter who have chosen their own themes. The winner and two runners-up receive cash prizes and have their stories published on the Retreat West website.Cash Prizes: Winner Prize: £200. Runner-Up Prize  x 2: £100. Word count: Max 500  Guest Judge: Gaynor Jones – Theme: Abandoned – Deadline: 29th March   

Keep Calm and Scribble On!

Hello Scribblers
We are in a new age of adaption.
We are seeing the best of humanity, in our heroic health and care workers, and in our resiliant and thoughtful communities- reaching out to those in need. Kindness is everywhere.
We are also seeing thoughtlessness and recklessness, which we can only combat with calm, sensible measures.
Our wonderful Scribblers group are adapting and finding new ways of keeping in touch and keeping each others' spirits high.
We have a new WhatsApp Group- which is proving popular- please join if you can.
For those who can't; please let us know and we will find ways to keep you in the loop.
The first challenge we have been set is a very short story on the theme:
"The Toilet Roll Dilemma"
NO MORE than 100 words please.
We haven't had any submissions as yet, though we have had some absorbing puns that made us roll our eyes!
Please send them through on WhatsApp, or by email to Justin, Dave or Georgina, who can share them for you.

Keep in touch everyone, keep safe and Keep Scribbling!

Thursday, 19 March 2020

Staying in touch

Perhaps we are delving into quite sinister times with all the restrictions and ridiculous bulk buying. The loss of local facilities, of sport, and of groups like ours. I really would hate if this caused a breakdown of the Scribblers writing incentives and the loss of any of our friends.

You may all have seen an email from Justin that I believe hits the nail on the head. If you didn't read it before then please read it now:- 

"Is this an opportunity to launch a Scribblers WhatsApp group? I’d be happy to set one up if you can send me your name and mobile telephone number?

We can then all keep in touch as a group and also has benefit of doubling as a discussion forum etc.

If anyone is unsure what a What’sApp group is it’s a way to send messages free on your mobile phone. "

That is a brilliant idea and one that I hope you will take up. I'm doing it so it goes to prove even the old 'uns can get to grips with modern technology. Now, how do we do it Justin...

Thanks again Justin. It just goes to prove that we are a proper team of writers all with the same goal in sight.

Keep healthy and keep scribbling,


Keep On Scribbling!

Hello Scribblers

What a shame we had to postpone our "Aural Flash Fiction". This was going to be a very intriguing session, something new and inspiring to challenge our ears and imaginations!
We are not sure when we will resume our meetings, but the committee are working on some ideas for keeping in touch with everyone.
We hope everyone is staying safe and keeping as healthy and active as possible.
If anyone has ideas for activities we can try, as a long-distance group, please let us know.
Don't forget that writing skills are muscles that need regular use, so why not use this time to look back at creative writing you have written previously? Looking back with fresh eyes, as the reader, rather than the author of the work, can expose small areas for improvement.
The timescales we usually have to write and share our work don't always allow for this extra level of editing. Why not re-read, re-live and re-imagine work you have done, to see if it could be improved?
You may well be surprised and delighted by the wonderful work you have created.
Stay in touch and get ready for some activities and ideas in the coming weeks.

Keep Safe and Keep Scribbling

Monday, 16 March 2020


The Flash Fiction meeting planned for Tuesday 17th March has been cancelled.

Information on future meetings will be circulated as soon as possible.

Meeting cancelled

Hello Scribblers.

In view of the guidelines from the Prime Minister and with the complete agreement of our committee, it is regretted that tomorrow's Flash Fiction meeting has been CANCELLED.

The dreadful Coronavirus situation is having a great effect on everyone now, including the Scribblers. I know a number of our members are over 70 years of age and could be at a higher risk of contracting the virus. The best thing we can do is to eliminate close contact in gatherings such as ours in a fight against the disease.

Your committee will discuss via phone or email our future plans and you, of course, will be kept informed.

Please stay healthy and hope to meet again in the not too distant future.


Our next meeting

Hi Scribblers,

First may I thank you for all the get well messages I have received over the past weeks. It seems ages since I was last at a meeting so I am really looking forward to getting back into the groove.

One of the things that has cropped up of course, has been Coronavirus. The committee has suggested we meet as normal but must take into consideration the latest government guidelines and adhere to any the Library may impose. For the time being I hope it will be business as usual.

Our next meeting. That's on Tuesday (17th March) starting at 7.30 when the doors will be locked. This will be a Flash Fiction meeting with a difference. We will have an auditory prompt for the evening's session. In some ways this is experimental and will add a totally different concept to our normal flash fiction meetings.

I am looking forward to the evening and hopefully you will be too! Don't forget to bring your writing paper etc. with you!

Until Tuesday,

Keep Scribbling!!!


Saturday, 7 March 2020

Booktastic! The Full Book Festival Line-Up

Felixstowe Book Festival 

The eighth Felixstowe Book Festival of ‘books by the sea’ returns with another entertaining programme of events from 26 to 28 June.

Over 40 author events for adults will take place at the Orwell Hotel. 
An excellent selection of events for children and families is hosted by Felixstowe Library.
The full line-up of talks and activities can be found at the link below:
Tickets on sale from the 17th April.

Felixstowe Book Festival- Shoreline Triple Taster

Felixstowe Scribblers are pleased to be part of this exciting new collaboration.
Felixstowe Cafe Poets, Felixstowe Scribblers and the Orwell Writers' League are working together to facilitate an event suitable for experienced and new writers alike.
There will be three taster sessions to inspire creativity in prose and poetry.
The event runs on the 27th June 2020 from 10:15 to 13:15, and is part of the Felixstowe Book Festival.

Details can be found in the link below.

Representatives from: Felixstowe Cafe Poets, Felixstowe Scribblers and Orwell Writers League 

Library Newsletter March 2020 - news and events

Hello Scribblers

Follow the link below to view the latest edition of the Suffolk Libraries newsletter.
News and forthcoming events at Felixstowe Library and other Suffolk Libraries.
There are author talks, exhibitions, the Sutton Hoo roadshow, poetry events, fairtrade stalls and wellbeing workshops.
There is also information on ways you can support your local library service, to safeguard the libraries and mobile units for the future.
Where would the Scribblers be without our local library?

Keep scribbling and keep supporting your library service!

Minutes of meeting 3rd March 2020

Minutes of Scribblers meeting held on 3 March 2020
Liliane, Georgina, Martyn, Jane H, Kay, Arlette, Cathy, Justin, David, Carole, Jim, Beryl, Glynis, Derek, Tony, Jane B, Suzy
Dave, who is still unwell. The group sent their best wishes, and hope to see him next time.
Readings of homework:
The homework theme was ‘Fame’. Before the readings, several members admitted that they’d found it a difficult topic to take inspiration from. However, once the readings began it was clear that despite writers’ doubts, some excellent stories had emerged.
Beryl – An interview – 738
Derek – Fame on fame – 739
David – Fame not Flame – 751
Carole – The flame files – 600
Martyn – Dancing Queen – 687
Suzy – Fame – 58
Glynis – Jenny – 752
Kay – Let us now praise all famous men – 687
Jim – Being Frank – 691
Jane B – My weak spot – 745
Georgina – The pig farmer – 749
Justin – The blind boy and the man – 735
Liliane – Perfect plans – 708
Jane H – Stella – 688
Tony – The ballad of Mr Tindall, by Anna Nymous -468
Next meeting: 17 March. This will be a flash fiction session, so no homework required – just bring along writing implements. Instead of the normal physical prompts of words/pictures/objects, we’ll be hearing sound prompts – this should be an interesting variation!

Welsh Poetry Competition 2020


For those of us feeling poetic; the 14th International Welsh Poetry Competition is now open for entries.
1st prize is £500.
There are two other cash prizes and runners-up also get published on the competition website and in the upcoming anthology.

See link below for details.

Closing date Sunday 31st May 2020.

Good luck and keep scribbling!