Formed over forty years ago, our Writers Circle is based in Felixstowe, Suffolk. Meetings are held in The Room at the Top in Felixstowe Library, normally on the first and third Tuesday of each month commencing at 7.30pm and finishing by 10.00pm. Check this weblog for details of meetings.

There is an annual November to November fee of £30, April to November is £20 and June to November £15. For members preferring to pay at each meeting the charge is £5 per meeting. To contact Felixstowe Scribblers simply email or the Secretary,

Wednesday, 29 April 2020

Felixstowe Book Festival CANCELLED

Hello Scribblers!

I hope you are all managing to keep well in these challenging times.

On a personal level it has become difficult being unable to see family and close friends, including all our Felixstowe Scribblers and contacts in other writing communities. It is just not the same making do with only phone and Internet communications.

For a time I lost my desire and ability to write anything at all. Funnily, since the WhatsApp group was formed, and since dear Cathy has been setting daily tasks on Facebook for members of the Orwell Writers, I have finally begun to enjoy writing again, albeit in shorter work than usual.

What has struck me recently is that we are missing our meetings and that face to face contact has allowed our writing to slip back a little. It’s not the same writing and sending work in when it cannot be shared immediately. 

That is why, from today, the number of stories that will be displayed on our weblog, albeit just for a week at a time, will be increased from three to six stories.  I hope you will approve and continue supporting us by sending your stories in. 

From today there is a new subject set for your ‘homework’ and that is:

500-750 words on “I wish I was there…”

Looking forward to being able to read your stories soon. The very loose deadline is Wednesday 12th May.

A similar situation applies with our 100 word WhatsApp stories. The site is well used although the number of these short stories is less than we envisaged.  Perhaps it is the fact that we all need something challenging to get our juices flowing. Today we have set another target for those 100 worders, and this could be a good exercise in creating characters.

Have you ever ‘people watched’? I expect we all have either consciously or unconsciously but can you describe, in 100 words, one of those people you have seen, and whether he, or she, could become a character in one of your stories.

Don’t forget, if you would like to join the WhatsApp group then please let Justin, Georgina or myself know and we will do the rest.

Please remember to keep looking at our weblog and read the weekly stories that are displayed.

Some disappointing news just in from Meg Reid. She says:

I am very sad to tell you that the Felixstowe Book Festival will not take place on June 26-28 2020 due to the risks surrounding the Covid-19 pandemic.

With the need to keep the health and safety of everyone of paramount importance, the uncertainty of when our venues will re open and not knowing when limitations on public gatherings might be lifted, we feel that this is the only option we have.

Take care of yourselves and your families in these difficult times.

Best wishes,

Not good news but understandable in the present circumstances. We must feel sorry for Meg for her devotion to the festival.

Good luck, keep scribbling but mostly,

Stay safe and healthy.


Tuesday, 28 April 2020

Staunch- A Thrilling Competition

Hello Scribblers

Another chance to enter your work, if thrillers are your style.
Staunch Book Prize have a regular competition for thriller novels, but this year, they have opened this out to include two further categories- short story and flash fiction.
Staunch have an unusual criteria for submissions- the work must be a thriller that does not perpetuate the dramatisation of women as victims of physical and sexual violence.
There is plenty of information on the Staunch website to explain their position, so have a look if you have questions. 
They are looking to create elbow-room in a crowded thriller market, for those who have something different to write about.
Entry is free this year, for each of the three categories.
Closing date is 20th July 2020.

Follow the link for more information: 

Thursday, 23 April 2020

Walter Swan Poetry Prize

Hello Poetic Scribblers

The Walter Swan Poetry Prize- run by the Ilkley Literature Festival- is open for entries.
The competition, now in its fifth year, is run in partnership with the Walter Swan Trust, in memory of the writer.
The winner will take the top prize of £200, as well as the opportunity to read their entry at the next Ilkley Literature Festival (meant to be October 2020, but time will tell..).
(Not sure if this will encourage or discourage anyone...)
The First Prize Place Winner will also have one-to-one feedback on their work with a research fellow at the University of Leeds Poetry Centre.
Follow the link below for details of how to enter, and entry fees.
For those who know aspiring young poets- there is a special entry fee for those aged 18-25.

There are also links on the Ilkley Literature Festival Website to their 'Be All Write' writing challenges.

Brick Lane Bookshop Short Story Prize

Hello Scribblers

Another competition opportunity for your consideration.
The 2020 Brick Lane Bookshop Short Story Prize is open for submissions.
They are looking for new, exciting, and diverse voices.
Entries should be original stories between 1,000 and 5,000 words.
Deadline is 15th May 5pm.

Follow the link below for more details, including entry fee, prize fund and specifications.
Remember to check the entry requirements carefully!

Good luck and keep scribbling.

The Brick Lane Book Shop is a real life bookshop (currently closed).
They are supporting new writers with this competition and they are taking online orders!
Any winners will be included in their next anthology.

Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Staying safe and occupied.

Hoping you are all still keeping well and steering clear of the virus.

There's just another week to go until 29 April when your open themed, 500-750 word stories are due in. We have one or two already but it would be good to see our members try to get back to writing again. The lockdown has affected everybody without exception. Some may feel their new routines for the time being are a bit haphazard, some are talking all those jobs they intended to do over the past year or three... some of us are busier than ever!

Now is the time to try and get writing again. Rekindle that creative instinct that has given us all so much pleasure in our proper meetings. For the time being three stories a week are being posted on the weblog for a week at a time. We stared with just one a week but have now upped it to those three stories and so far eight stories have been published. It may not be the same as a meeting, but it gives you the opportunity to share your work with other Scribblers. It may be, if the demand warrants it, that we can increase the number of stories each week. We want to hear your voice again - well read your words at any rate.

On the subject of writing, our WhatsApp group has been working pretty well, and though it is not all short 100 word stories there is a lot of information included about all sorts. It's well worth joining if you have the App. Justin is the administrator or you can email either Georgina or me, Dave, to join. A new 100 word theme has been set today and that is on "LOCKDOWN." A terrible subject I know but it gives you the opportunity to use personal experience to hone your creative skills.

I am not sure what the situation will be over the Felixstowe Book Festival. After this evening's news from the government it would seem unlikely to be able to go ahead in its usual way although there is a possibility it could go on line... I expect poor Meg the organiser is having a very stressful time at the moment but we will just have to wait and see how the situation progresses. Fingers crossed all will come out well in the end.

Meantime, if you aren't able to write a story for either of our outlets, but you may have some ideas for our mutual benefit, then please let me know...   

Stay safe, stay healthy, stay home and start writing!!!


Norwich Theatre Poetry Challenge

Jim has discovered the following poetry competition at Norwich Theatre and kindly suggested one or two of our members may be interested. Details are:

Ghost Light

Week One: Kindness

‘We have so little of each other, now. So far
from tribe and fire. Only these brief moments of exchange.
What if they are the true dwelling of the holy, these
fleeting temples we make together when we say, “Here,
have my seat,” “Go ahead – you first,” “I like your hat.”‘

This excerpt is from Small Kindnesses by Danusha Laméris as chosen by  Chris Gribble

As we navigate through these times of isolation and social distancing, it has become more important than ever to stay connected and to stay positive. Ghost Light is a poetry challenge aimed at nurturing our mental well-being, and an opportunity for our audiences to reflect on their time away from Norwich Theatre and write about their experiences. Whether in the form of haiku, sonnet, rhymed poetry or free verse send us your thoughts at this most unusual time.

Every week, a literary guest will provide a theme or source of inspiration to kick things off. We are delighted to welcome Chris Gribble, Chief Executive at the National Centre for Writing, as our first guest.

Your submissions will be shared on social media and on our website, and will form part of a commemorative book that will be published at the end of the project. All submissions will be judged by local literary figures, and the three winning poems will be displayed across our three buildings when they re-open to the public.

The title Ghost Light is inspired by the stories and superstitions of the theatre world. A ghost light is a small, bare light that shines on the dark stage when the theatre is closed and unoccupied. Its primary reason is safety, a ghost light ensures that nobody accidentally trips up in the dark or falls off the stage. However, theatre people are a superstitious bunch and there are a number of stories surrounding the origin of this charming tradition… Maybe the ghost light is there to give theatre ghosts, former actors themselves, enough light to perform on stage… Or maybe is to keep those ghosts away so that they don’t get mischievous while everyone is gone!

To Enter:

– Email your submission to – using the subject heading: ‘Ghost Light’. Please include your name, age, address, and the title of the poem.

– Participants who wish to share supplementary drawings or illustrations, can include them as attachments in their email.

Terms & Conditions:

1. The Ghost Light competition by Norwich Theatre is open to anyone aged 10+.
2. The Closing date for the competition is 30 June 2020.
3. A single entrant can submit a maximum of three poems. All entries will be considered.
4. The poems can be written in any style. All poems must have a title and must not exceed 250 words in length (excluding title). All entries must be connected to the weekly themes provided by Norwich Theatre via our website, social media platforms and weekly e-newsletters.
5. Entrants, if they so wish, can accompany their poem with a photograph, drawing or illustration.
6. Poems must be the entrant’s original work and written in English.
7. Copyright remains with the authors, but we reserve the right to publish the poems in any format.
8. Please include all of your poems on a single word document or PDF, in font size 11pt or larger. Your name and address must be included on the poem entries.
9. No alterations can be made to a poem once it has been submitted.
10. The three winners will be requested to provide a biography, headshot photograph and to take part in any subsequent publicity surrounding the poetry challenge.
11. All winning poems will be announced and published on our website and on Norwich Theatre social media platforms. The poems may also be used to decorate Norwich Theatre buildings, upon the re-opening of the organisation.
12. Employees of Norwich Theatre are not eligible to enter the competition for judged works, however, their submissions will be considered for inclusion in the commemorative book.

Saturday, 18 April 2020

The Bridport Prize- A Triple Treat!

Hello Scribblers

This post is about a very exciting opportunity- a trio of them in fact.

The Bridport Prize is looking for submissions in the categories of poetry, short stories and flash fiction. The prizes are big, and the potential for exposure is huge.

The Bridport Prize is looking to discover new talent, they provide aspiring writers with opportunities for publication and have helped many writers to launch their careers.

Follow the link to find out more about each category and how to enter.

Click on the heading 'The Competition' to choose the category you want to enter- or enter all three!
An added bonus: for those who have novels in the making- the Bridport Prize is also offering the chance to enter The Peggy Chapman- Andrews First Novel Award. Your novel doesn't even have to be finished to be entered- why not have a look at the criteria and see if you could benefit?

Friday, 17 April 2020

Something Slightly Different- The Writers' Corner

Hello Scribblers

We've been posting a fair few competitions and opportunities to submit your work, but now for something slightly different.
This link from The Literary Consultancy has a range of resources to help writers who may be feeling the strain of the current restrictions.
The Inspiration Page- from TLC contains various supportive ideas, from relaxation, wellbeing and yoga, to poetry, crosswords and writing prompts.
Follow the link below to find out more.

TLC provide consultancy to writers, including a no-fee service to writers on a low income.

Micro Madness- Another Free Entry Competition!

Hello Scribblers

This one is from New Zealand based National Flash.
Submissions are open until 15th May.
Micro Madness is a free international competition for works up to 100 words.
There's no entry fee- just send your submissions to
Up to three entries per person.

New for 2020- there are now two seperate categories- to reflect our current situation.
Send in 'no-theme' micros- any topic, any style.
Or, Send in 'lockdown' micros- inspired by these extraordinary times.
Follow the link below for more details.

While visiting the website, you may also want to check out another competition: National Flash is also running a Flash Fiction competition- up to 300 words in honour of Flash Fiction Day 2020- on the 22nd June- which is their shortest day of the year!!

Fractured Flash and Micro Fiction- Free Submission

Hello Scribblers

Another chance to send your work in for publication.
This time with Fractured.

Fractured Lit publishes micro and flash fiction from writers of any background or experience. Both Micro and Flash categories are open year round and they do not charge any submission fees. Fractured accept simultaneous submissions but ask that you inform them immediately and withdraw your work if your story is accepted elsewhere. They pay authors $50 for original micro fiction and $75 for original flash fiction.
Micro fiction for Fractured Lit is 400 words or less.
Flash fiction is 401-1,000 words. 
They are searching for Flash that investigates the mysteries of being human, the sorrow and the joy of connecting to the diverse population around us. 
Follow the link below for details of how to submit your work.

Wednesday, 15 April 2020

Writing assignments:

Our homework assignment is to write between 500 and 750 words on any subject you wish. Just send it in to

Our 100 word WhatsApp theme is 'Thunder' and your work can be posted direct onto the site. If you are not a member yet and would like to join, then let Justin, Georgina or me know.


A change to the story of the week.

Over the past two weeks we have seen stories from Chris down in Cairns, and Rani from the London area.

Their stories have been replaced, but from today you will see 'This Week's Stories.'

Today we include three stories, just click on the link at the top of the page and you can read them and find out which of our authors are highlighted this week.

There  are more stories to come, mostly based on Trapped, but not all. 

Read and enjoy!

Monday, 13 April 2020

One Paragraph Only. (75 words- no more!)

Hello Scribblers

Here's a new challenge. A very succinct flash fiction- just 75 words required.

Check out Paragraph Planet's website for more info on how to get involved.

You can also read their extensive archive of submissions to get you in the mind-set for a tiny piece of fiction.

Paragraph Planet is a creative writing website which has been publishing one 75-word paragraph every day since November 2008. Famous authors, aspiring writers and occasional dabblers have all got involved, submitting a mixture of twist-in-the-tale flash fiction, evocative short, short fiction, openings of published novels or brief moments captured.

The Lunate 500- The Wrong Way...

Hello Scribblers

Another competition opportunity here- this time coming from Lunate- Literary Journal.
This Journal specialises in poetry, flash fiction and short stories.
They have lots of pieces up on their website, so if you aren't in the mood for writing or entering competitions, why not have a read and get some inspiration from others' work.

Lunate's current competition has the prompt 'The Wrong Way'

The competition will run from 12th April and close on Saturday 14th June at midday UK time.
A shortlist of fifteen stories will be announced shortly after the closing date, and then they will count down to the winner with daily publication of each of those stories. These dates for this will be announced closer to the time.
You are free to interpret the prompt as you wish but Lunate encourage you to approach your story from left-field, play with convention, get crafty with setting, whatever. Be bold. However, they asked the competition judge Rosie Garland exactly what she would be looking for from the entries, so take careful note..!
“I’m fascinated by how humans have a knack for messing things up. It’s something we seem very good at (and yes, I include myself.) How the same mistakes get made, over and over. I’m just as – if not more - interested in how it’s possible to find ways out..."
Follow the link below to look at the prize fund, cost of entry and further guidelines.
Good luck and Keep Scribbling!


Without sounding silly in the current circumstances, I hope you have all managed to enjoy Easter so far. Hasn’t it been strange? Our lives restricted worse, some old ‘uns tell me, than the war. Leastways there are no bombing raids.

Something I meant to do was tidy up my Spam boxes on my email accounts and there, surprisingly, was an email from our dear friend Ray Foster. His wife is not too well as we know, but now this lockdown situation hasn’t made things any better. Having said that Ray tells me he has caught up on reading the ‘Famous Five' and 'Biggles' novels which he finds so refreshing in this day and age. He also has a collection of '50's and 60's novels that the PC crew have not tampered with! Happy reading Ray!

It was almost a shock having a thunderstorm, albeit a short one, yesterday afternoon. It got me thinking about a couple of times when I’ve been affected and so I thought it would be nice for our WhatsApp members to come up with a hundred words on “THUNDER.” That’s happening right now and there are a couple of stories posted already.

I have found the WhatsApp link has helped revive some of my flagging writing. If you’re not a member of the group and have WhatsApp then Justin will do the necessary to join you up.

As far as our usual homework is concerned, it would be great if we can all create your usual gems and post them in to me at Although we can’t read them out, I am currently posting one story a week on the weblog until such time (same old excuse coming up!) we can find a password protected site that we can all use without the general public looking in.

Our ‘Trapped’ homework finishes on Wednesday when a new one homework begins. This time we, that is the boss, Georgina, and I think it would be good to give you all the freedom to write between 500 and 750 words on any subject or theme you wish. Deadline for these stories 28 April.

Talking of Georgina, she has been posting some interesting links for tips and competitions. Here are two of my own which might prove useful to you. They are:


The time has come for me to leave you in peace… don’t forget to keep checking the weblog for further news and tips that might pop up. 

Keep smiling if you can, or tearing your hair out if you must, but, most of all,

Stay safe.


Wednesday, 8 April 2020

Staying positive.

I hope you are all still well and trying to keep positive. It is difficult sometimes, to believe that we are in this situation and will remain so for some considerable time.

It galls me to hear pundits declaring that we should be given exit instructions for when the lockdown ends and even asking for an exact date! 

We have to be creative with our enforced time at home, perhaps there are many things on the DIY list that still need doing – I can say that our local hardware shop is closed so that lets me off the hook again – only if I can find a hook anywhere.

Enough of that, but I must ask our members to consider sending their work in to – the current theme is “TRAPPED” and gradually each story (with your permission) will appear on the Story of the Week page on our weblog. We are asking your stories fall within the 500-750 word target area please. The cut off date is 15th April.

Additionally, for those who are keener on shorter work of up to 100 words, then our WhatsApp group is up and running thanks to Justin. We have several members already listed and whilst it was essentially meant for short stories there are many other topics that spring up. For the 100 word short story the subject is “I Will Never Understand Why…” It is likely the theme will soon change. Have a go, it really is fun to do.

Talking of that, please remember to frequently view our weblog – Georgina has been posting many ideas and suggestions including today’s, “Top Tips for Writing Flash Fiction” which might be of interest to Derek… (just joking!).

If you are on Facebook then go to ‘Ruth Dugdall author’ where Ruth has posted some very helpful tips

If you have any comments or ideas then just let us know.

Keep Scribbling folks but remember to keep smiling too.


Another day dawns.

Awoken by the dawn chorus - up soon after. 

Outside, blue sky and sunshine. Such a lovely looking day. Terrific! 

Then it dawns on me. 



Blast it! 


Have a good day everyone!


Tuesday, 7 April 2020

Top Tips for writing Flash Fiction

Hello Scribblers

We have been focusing on some shorter fiction styles of late: flash fiction and even micro-fiction. Short stories are still very welcome and we are hoping to continue sharing some scribblers' contributions on our 'story of the week' feature. Please send any 500-750 word stories to us using the email address
For those of us who are concentrating our limited attention spans on flash or micro-fiction, there is a link below for some tips on writing and editing for this length of piece.
Just because it's shorter, doesn't mean it's easier!
Every word has to earn its place!
Follow the link below for thirteen specific tricks (and a writing exercise) about how to write flash fiction (including insanely short stories). The advice comes from Flash Fiction Online: An online fiction magazine offering tips and stories- they are also open for submissions...

Saturday, 4 April 2020

Choose your Challenge...

Hello Scribblers
Have you written something that you would like to share?
When it comes to getting your work noticed, there’s little better than winning or being shortlisted for a writing competition… and the odds of that happening aren’t as long as you think. Every competition listed on the Neon Books website produces one or more winners every year, as well as numerous honourable mentions and shortlisted writers.
All you have to do, dear Scribblers, is choose a competition to enter.
The list provided on the webite are all competitions based in the UK and they  have prizes that justify the entry fees.
Follow the link below to choose your competition.
Neon Books is a UK-based independent publisher. They produce a literary magazine two or three times a year, and they share a wealth of writers' resources, including the list of competitions in the link above.

Thursday, 2 April 2020

Struggling to find your creativity? Enter The Cabinet of Heed.

Struggling Scribblers,

The Cabinet of Heed- Literary Journal has set a challenge for writers who are unable to find their words and are temporarily 'stuck'. 
There are four challenge prompts: All 500 word limits
The Stream of Consciousness: .....
The One Word Prompt: Soup 
The Song Lyric Prompt : "They said things over there might be a little strange" 
(Jumbo. by Curved Air) 
The Photo Prompt:  

Entries must have been written in response to the prompt. The best of the submissions will be selected to appear in a special free online issue of The Cabinet of Heed.
Visit and look for the Covid-19 Challenges.

The Journal is read in over 130 countries, and they are always hungry for entries for their monthly journal. Visit the link below to submit stories, poems, creative non-fiction and flash fiction.
They are also hungry for visual art- for their front covers!

Check out the website for more information.

Wednesday, 1 April 2020

Bath Short Story Award 2020

Another Challenge Scribblers!
The Bath seventh yearly international Short Story Award is open now for international entries and closes on April 20th 2020 at midnight BST. They are looking for a story up to 2200 words on any theme or subject. Entry fee is £8.00
First Prize is £1200
Second Prize is £300
Third Prize is £100
There is also an Acorn Award for an unpublished writer of £100, plus £50 in book tokens from Mr B's emporium of Books in Bath!
Follow the link below for competition rules and entry instructions.
Good luck and Keep Scribbling!