Just found an interesting email hidden away in my junk mail. Good job I check from time to time. The email comes from the John Peel Centre in Stowmarket and reads:
I’m Miranda, and I work in the marketing team at the John Peel Centre in Stowmarket.
This month, we’re launching a new initiative called JPC Create, which is designed to promote and celebrate creative work being done in East Anglia. While we’re mostly known for music programming at the moment, JPC Create will embrace everything - from creative writing, comedy and theatre, to visual art and dance.
I’m getting in touch because a big part of our plan is a regular writing competition, which is due to launch for the first time in April. The details will be released soon, but the important bits are -
The competition will be based around a prompt, and is open to poetry and short fiction up to 1,000 words.
It’s free to enter, and although we are not currently able to offer monetary awards, there will be prizes for the winners, as well as a permanent listing of winning entries on our website, and promotion via social media and our newsletter. Writers will retain full rights to all winning submissions.
We realise that this is a small competition and a new initiative, and while we of course plan for it to grow, the heart of the project lies in our amazement at the incredible creative work being done even under today’s intensely challenging circumstances, and a desire to encourage and celebrate that.
We will also be running regular, fun opportunities for people to create new work and share their experiences, and to hopefully to increase their feeling of connection to our local creative community.
If you or any members of your group might be interested in taking part, please feel free to share this email, our Instagram - @jpccreate / https://www.instagram.com/jpc_create/, Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/jpccreate, or website - https://www.johnpeelcentre.com/jpc-create/. You can also get in touch with me at jpccreate@johnpeelcentre.com any time.
Thank you!
Miranda Overett.
This all sounds very interesting!