Minutes of Scribblers meeting held on 5 February 2019
Present: Dave, Tony, Beryl, Liz, Kay, Georgina, Liliane, Anne, Hazel, David, Carole, Derek, Justin, Cathy
Apologies: Steve, Jim, Bridget
We all welcomed new member Justin, and briefly introduced ourselves.
Anthology: Dave asked that we get our chosen work to him by the end of this month at the latest.
FBF: Meg has confirmed that Scribblers and OWL will share a two hour slot, 2 – 4 on Sunday 30 June, in the Furneaux Suite at the Orwell, offering flash fiction and other creative writing exercises. Cost for the session is £5, but five complimentary tickets are available to members of Scribblers. Please let Dave or Cathy know if you would like a ticket.
Readings of homework:
With twelve people to read their work on the theme ‘My best friend’, there wasn’t much time for small talk, so we moved swiftly on from the brief business elements of the meeting.
As always, a tremendous range of stories was enjoyed. The theme inspired such different ideas in all the writers – tremendous stuff.
Tony – The great treacle mining disaster, an excerpt from his book
Dave - Stupidity
Kay – My best friend
Anne – My best friend
David – My best friend
Derek – The albatross and the yachtsman
Georgina – A friend in need (poem)
Beryl – Sheila
Carole – Julie
Liliane – The day after Christmas
Liz – Serbia
Hazel – My best friend
Next meeting:
19 February, when it is the Jack Wilkinson trophy night. The competition this time is for stories about (not for) children – up to 1000 words. Remember not to have any identifying details on your printed copy.