There was almost a full house this evening - with another new arrival making his first visit and bringing the attendance up to fourteen. That represents one of the biggest groups we have had for quite some time.
We were able to enjoy and savour eleven stories along with one poem that received generous applause all round. Well done Georgina!
There was time for a mini anthology discussion at the interval to ensure we have our plans for checking the work for any issues but, knowing the Scribblers, there will be few of those! A reminder was given about submissions for the anthology, our deadline being the final day of February.
Thanks were given to Liz for arranging and hosting the meal last week. She did an excellent job!
Next meeting is the Jack Wilkinson Memorial Trophy which is currently held by Jim. The competition to write up to 1,000 words on stories about children. Entries should be typed on one side of the paper and where there multiple pages, these should be stapled or securely clipped together. No marks or indication of the author should appear on the entries. Competition rules appear at the top of the page.
Until next time, 19th February...
Keep Scribbling!!!