Formed over forty years ago, our Writers Circle is based in Felixstowe, Suffolk. Meetings are held in The Room at the Top in Felixstowe Library, normally on the first and third Tuesday of each month commencing at 7.30pm and finishing by 10.00pm. Check this weblog for details of meetings.

There is an annual November to November fee of £30, April to November is £20 and June to November £15. For members preferring to pay at each meeting the charge is £5 per meeting. To contact Felixstowe Scribblers simply email or the Secretary,

Thursday, 28 March 2019

The anthology. Time is running out!!!

The deadline for your stories is fast approaching, so if you still have to send your work in then time is running out! I know some of you have promised work to be included, so if you haven't yet sent it off then please do so. If you are likely to be delayed beyond the end of the month then please let me know and we'll see what we can arrange.

This also applies to most folk … please remember to send in a short biography (maybe two or three sentences to be included with your stories.) I'd hate to have to make them up!!!

Keep Scribbling

Wednesday, 20 March 2019

Felixstowe Flyer: Tony's review.

Writers' Cafe in Ipswich

Meeting Report.

Minutes of Scribblers meeting held on 19 March 2019

Present:  Dave, Tony, Kay, Liliane, David, Carole,  Justin, Jim, Beryl, Gerry, Cathy
Apologies:  Anne, Georgina, Derek

Nice to see another good turnout for a flash fiction evening.
Dave had been contacted by Caz, who hopes to join us again at some point. Also from ex-member Debbie, who has had a novel published – our congratulations to her.
Anthology – deadline for story entries is approaching – those, plus any photos and/or brief personal bios to be with Dave by end of March.
New bank signatory – Dave to contact HSBC to complain about the current unsatisfactory situation of seemingly unrecorded personal details etc.

Flash fiction:
Rani, as our guest, drew the topic ‘Riding Boots’, and we settled down to half an hour of writing. Despite the undisguised dismay from almost everyone when the topic was revealed, we did the best we could with it. As ever, by the end of the half hour, it was clear that we can all create a story from the least promising prompt!

This was Justin’s first experience of writing flash fiction. He admitted to finding it challenging, but he came up with an excellent story nonetheless.

Sharing our work produced much hilarity, thoughtful discussion, and exchange of views – a good evening.

Next meeting: 
2 April, when the homework topic is ‘Under the lamp he saw …’. Up to 1000 words as usual.

Flash Fiction Evening.

The evening started with a message from Caz wishing the Scribblers well and another from a long lost friend, Debbie who is now domiciled in France who sends best wishes to the Scribblers, especially to those who may remember her. She has been busy through the years writing pantomimes, plays and murder mysteries basically for the English community who live in her area. It is always nice to hear from old friends. 

It was nice to see Rani again and she was responsible for drawing out the subject of the evenings flash fiction. Of all things to be drawn it was "Riding Boots," a subject far from the hearts and minds of the majority of writers present.

Like so often, the challenge of the subject was eventually accepted with a tremendous return of very diverse and quality writing. Once again a good turnout for the evening.

As promised at the meeting, a photograph of a young man (guess who?) riding a horse through Cliftonville... but riding boots? Decide for yourself!

Our next meeting is on Tuesday 2nd April when the 1,000 word homework assignment will be "...Under the lamp he saw..." Usual venue, usual time, but remember the door will be locked at 7.30pm. Should the subject matter not be to your liking then please feel free to bring in another piece of your work.

Until next time,

Keep Scribbling!!!

Sunday, 17 March 2019

Our Next Meeting.

The usual pre meeting reminder about our forthcoming meeting in The Room at The Top this coming Tuesday, 19 March. It's the kind of meeting that some writers love but others have reservations about. Yes it is another of our Flash Fiction evenings!

There has been no homework to do as the subject of the evening will be drawn from our stockpile at the start of the meeting. All we ask is that you remember to bring along your writing material to enable you to work your creative skills towards a short story or article. Whatever you think, Flash Fiction events are fun!

In the usual way the meeting begins at 7.30 when the door will be locked.

Now for a little news. Many of us will fondly remember Angela Petch who moved away from the area some time ago. She, along with some other writers began Arun Scribes whose website can be found on Facebook. Angela. who already has two lovely and very readable books to her name, ‘Now and Then in Tuscany’ and ‘The Tuscan Secret’, has recently written another one, Mavis and Dot. This is so unlike her original novels for concerns two colourful, eccentric retired ladies who live in Worthington-on-Sea and it is being sold in aid of Cancer Research. 

Mavis and Dot is available for sale on Amazon. Another excellent read and in a very worthy cause.

Until Tuesday,
Keep Scribbling!!!

Wednesday, 6 March 2019

Meeting Report

Minutes of Scribblers meeting held on 5 March 2019

Present:  Dave, Tony, Kay, Georgina, Liliane, David, Carole, Derek, Justin, Jim, Jane, Anne, Cathy
Apologies: Steve, Hazel, Beryl

A warm welcome to Jane on one of her rare visits!
Anthology – Dave has extended the deadline for submissions to the end of March. Some ex-members have also been invited to submit work; Angela Petch and Bridget Robinson have responded positively.

Readings of homework:
‘On the beach’ was the topic, and it really inspired us all. One or two of us brought in appropriate works that we’d written previously, and others had gone for new pieces. We had everything – tragedy – laugh out loud comedy – tales of danger and rescue – crime – the list goes on. David and Carole even treated us to a two person sketch/reading!

Liliane – On the beach

Jane – Excerpt from her novel in progress

Georgina – A fine line (poem)

Derek – One murder, two murders

Justin – Hold music

Jim – Sex on the beach

Dave – Trapped

Tony – Chapter 21 of his book The Sword of the Kings

Cathy – Landguard, April 1807

David – A letter in the post

Carole – Where’s Gerry?

Kay – The promise

Anne - Untitled

All in all another excellent evening.

Next meeting: 
19 March, when we have one of our flash fiction sessions. No homework to be done, and the prompt will be drawn from the selection we already have prepared, so just bring along writing implements – nothing else needed.

On the beach...

What a tremendous night! So many fantastic stories from the large gathering. Every one a winner in its own way. 

Whilst virtually every story involved a beach, there was still enjoyment from a work written by David and performed with Carole... A scene from a sorting office at the Post Office where a postie receives a letter... You had to be there to have witnessed and enjoyed the work. So different yet it had tones of a much missed Two Ronnies sketch.

It seems unfair to highlight just one story... there were too many highlights to report!

The anthology... if you haven't sent your story/stories in yet please will you do so as soon as possible.

The next meeting is on 19 March when we will hold another of our Flash Fiction evenings.

Until then,

Keep Scribbling!!! 

Sunday, 3 March 2019

The next gathering...

Hello Scribblers!

Yes, the next meeting is virtually upon us! And what a homework theme it was to coincide with all the brilliant February weather we had... Ideal for a saunter down to the beach. Don't look outside just now... it's wet and windy and not very nice. So much for the start of Spring which I always thought began on the 21st of March!

Our meeting this Tuesday 5th March starts at 7.30pm with the intriguing subject of "On the Beach." Who would have considered that for winter/early spring theme? Looking forward to hearing your tales of no more than 1,000 words. Should the subject be unappealing then please bring along some other work to share.

Just a reminder about the anthology - for those who have yet to send in their stories please do so. Poor Beryl and Georgina (and me) are looking forward to reading them. It'll save a fiver on buying the anthology haha!

Remember the door will be locked at 7.30!

Until Tuesday,

Keep Scribbling!
