Formed over forty years ago, our Writers Circle is based in Felixstowe, Suffolk. Meetings are held in The Room at the Top in Felixstowe Library, normally on the first and third Tuesday of each month commencing at 7.30pm and finishing by 10.00pm. Check this weblog for details of meetings.

There is an annual November to November fee of £30, April to November is £20 and June to November £15. For members preferring to pay at each meeting the charge is £5 per meeting. To contact Felixstowe Scribblers simply email or the Secretary,

Thursday, 28 March 2019

The anthology. Time is running out!!!

The deadline for your stories is fast approaching, so if you still have to send your work in then time is running out! I know some of you have promised work to be included, so if you haven't yet sent it off then please do so. If you are likely to be delayed beyond the end of the month then please let me know and we'll see what we can arrange.

This also applies to most folk … please remember to send in a short biography (maybe two or three sentences to be included with your stories.) I'd hate to have to make them up!!!

Keep Scribbling