The evening started with a message from Caz wishing the Scribblers well and another from a long lost friend, Debbie who is now domiciled in France who sends best wishes to the Scribblers, especially to those who may remember her. She has been busy through the years writing pantomimes, plays and murder mysteries basically for the English community who live in her area. It is always nice to hear from old friends.
It was nice to see Rani again and she was responsible for drawing out the subject of the evenings flash fiction. Of all things to be drawn it was "Riding Boots," a subject far from the hearts and minds of the majority of writers present.
Like so often, the challenge of the subject was eventually accepted with a tremendous return of very diverse and quality writing. Once again a good turnout for the evening.
As promised at the meeting, a photograph of a young man (guess who?) riding a horse through Cliftonville... but riding boots? Decide for yourself!
Our next meeting is on Tuesday 2nd April when the 1,000 word homework assignment will be "...Under the lamp he saw..." Usual venue, usual time, but remember the door will be locked at 7.30pm. Should the subject matter not be to your liking then please feel free to bring in another piece of your work.
Until next time,
Keep Scribbling!!!