Hello Scribblers
It's wonderful having our 'Repository' up and running for those of us who want to share stories and receive feedback from fellow Scribblers. The Whatsapp group is also working well for quickfire little tales and snippets of chat. But, I think I speak for many when I say it's just not the same. What I really miss is hearing stories read by the author: the real voice, with the right tone, stressing the words they wanted stressed, pausing for dramatic effect in just the right place. Does anyone else read their fellow Scribblers' work and 'hear' it in their accent, or with their droll deadpan delivery? I do, and it helps, but it's not the same. (I also worry about how my nasal estuary Essex whine must sound in your heads, but let's not dwell on that.)
I have discovered a website entitled 'A Word in Your Ear', that I thought may be of interest. It came to my attention because of a series of courses they are running, but on exploring further, they also have archived stories to read, and also to listen to.
A Word in Your Ear have run live story nights on a friday in Bath, Somerset for many years, but lately have had to move this to an online platform. You can access the stories via their website. It's quite a joy to sit and just listen to a good tale, well told.
Have a browse and listen to a few of the stories by following the link below:
And if you are intested in the writing workshops that attracted my attention initially- click here:
It's worth browsing the website to find out more about A Word in Your Ear. They accept submissions at different times, and stories that are accepted will appear, recorded by talented readers- for the moment just online, but in the future (hopefully not too distant), back on stage in Bath- something to really look forward to!