Just a quick reminder that there is no meeting this week.
Our next gathering is on Tuesday 5th August when there is an open homework allowing you to write on any subject, read an excerpt from your ongoing work or a favourite piece of
writing. The only stipulation is that the work falls within the 1,000 word limit.
And now for the Radio schedules from Tony.
Hi all,
This weeks transmissions are as follows:- (I hope)
Weds 21.00-21.30 Felixstowe radio 107.5 fm or via internet
Program 31
Sword of the Kings Ch 10
Book - Debbie Coveney, Brackets - Becci Clarke, Allirog and
Enor Muss -
Robin Saunders,
Lord Drofgnol - Pete Guilder Cherry Blossom - Angela Silburn,
Bunt - Becci Clarke,
Eimer Deville - Sheila Martin, Man and Encompi Tant - Martin
Zschiddte ver Brainnze - Brian England,
Sam Wunnells - David Miller
The Candles Getting Shorter
Margaret - Ruth Dugdall, Edward - Robin Saunders
Mates - read by Pete Guilder (Written by Richard Payne)
Fri 12.30-13.00 ICR 105.7 fm or via internet
Program 24
Sword of the Kings ch 8
Book - Robin Saunders, Zschiddte ver Brainnze - Brian England,
Wunnells - David Miller,
Eimer Deville - Sheila Martin, Lord Drofgnol - Pete Guilder.
The Government Inspector (Translated from an original by
Act 4
Judge - Sheila Martin, Charity Commisioner - Angela Silburn,
- David Miller, Luka - Tony Shearman
Bobchinsky - Pete Guilder, Khlestakov - Brian England
The Coral - read by Ann Kearney (written by Jack
Concrete Nightmare - Read by Alan Dix (with help from
Unit 4 + 2)
(written by Dave Feakes)
What is the sun - read by Tony Shearman (written by
Jack Wilkinson)
Special Occasions - read by Sheila Martin (written by
Jack Wilkinson)
Programs 1 - 23 can be found at Mixcloud/suffolkreadingfestival
Hope you enjoy them all