Formed over forty years ago, our Writers Circle is based in Felixstowe, Suffolk. Meetings are held in The Room at the Top in Felixstowe Library, normally on the first and third Tuesday of each month commencing at 7.30pm and finishing by 10.00pm. Check this weblog for details of meetings.

There is an annual November to November fee of £30, April to November is £20 and June to November £15. For members preferring to pay at each meeting the charge is £5 per meeting. To contact Felixstowe Scribblers simply email or the Secretary,

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Prole News

Issue 14
Issue 14 of Prole has just been released and is available from our website:
We are open to submissions for future issues of Prole. Guidelines here:
Our contributors receive a royalty payment.

Prolitzer Prize for Prose
The Prolitzer Prize competition is open for entries. If you have any writing friends who might be interested, please spread the word.

Winner: £150, Publication in Prole 15 in December 2014
Publication on the Prole website
2 x runner up prizes of £50, possible publication in Prole 15
Publication on the Prole website

Sue Pace has over 120 short stories, personal essays, poems and non-fiction articles published in regional and international formats.  This includes not only literary journals in the USA, but also journals in Australia, the UK and Canada.
     Her poems may be found in several "Open To Interpretation" coffee table books.  Her plays have been produced in Seattle, Portland and at the West Coast Ensemble in Hollywood, CA.  She was a "Distinguished Writer in Residence" at Seattle University and recently received an Honourable Mention in NIMROD'S Katherine Anne Porter competition.   Most recently, her work may be found in CALYX, SKIVE, PROLE and EP;PHANY, and she has work forthcoming in NIMROD. 
     Sue has been a presenter at several writer's conferences and workshops in the United states and is excited to be making a trip to the UK this coming fall.

Entries will be anonymised before being sent to judge.

Time scale
We will receive entries from April 1st 2014 to October 1st2014
Winners will be announced in issue 15 of Prole in December 2014 and on our website by December 15th 2014.

We are, as ever, open regarding style and content. What we are after is fiction or creative nonfiction that epitomises the editorial values of Prole: to make writing engaging, accessible, entertaining and challenging. Quality is all.
Word limit 2500.
All work must be the original work of the writer and be unpublished.

£4.00 for first entry, £3.00 for any subsequent entries.

How to enter
Via our website and email – preferred.
Make the correct payment using PayPal.
Email your entry, including the text and PayPal transaction number within the body of the email, to:

Poetry Collection
This year, we have published Wendy Pratt’s excellent Museum Pieces. Full details are here:

In December, we will be launching Caboodle, a collection of poetry pamphlets. We are hoping to make this an annual feature of our work. Detail will be posted on our website nearer the time.

Thank you for your support.
Best wishes,

Brett and Phil